Part 9 - Night

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TB's House


TB: (Golfball is confusing. Last night she said we were a thing but at dinner today she said we weren't?)

TB: Hey Golfball? You awake?

GB: Yeah?

TB: Is that mattress uncomfortable?

GB: Fairly.

TB: Do you want to maybe, sleep in mine?

GB: Uhh, okay!

Golfball walks over to Tennis Ball's bed and plops into it.


TB: Yea?

GB: I'm cold.

Golfball shuffles closer to Tennis Ball.

Tennis Ball pulls Golf Ball closer to him.

TB: Now are you cold?

GB: Blushing* No.

GB: Blushing* No

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I hate this chapter. I don't know why I wrote it.

Also Golfball is a bit transparent.

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