Part 29 - Collected

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Unknown: There is the corpse. We are now able to collect the parasite.

Unknown: It will no longer be able to control more bodies.

Unknown: It has to be in a air tight containment though.

Unknown: I know that.

Unknown: Now what's with this pin girl?

Unknown: I don't know. She was there when we arrived. She must've been taken by the explosion too.

Unknown: Should we check her? She might have a parasite like the other girl,

Unknown: We must check her. The parasite may be

Unknown: Alright.


Unknown: We've got what we needed.

Unknown: So what now?

Unknown: I have no idea.


Unknown: It can mind control? These parasites are dangerous. So far from what we know they can mind control, time control, teleport and speak. They must be stopped but we don't know how many are out there.

Unknown: Just research some more.


Unknown: We found that it is able to morph into whatever being it infects. From the leaf like girl it turned green and started to form a lemon like shape. For the pin like girl it started to turn red but she must have not had it for long because it only changed colour and not shape.

???: And you missed one. I can end the world.

Unknown: Wait what.

There was a blinding flash of light spreading around the research facility. Then a black hole started to form. The black hole kept on increasing on size at a fairly rapid pace. It engulfed the research facility not letting anyone escape.


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