C2 Part 1 - TSOG Ep 1

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Firey: I'm back..? I'm BACK!


Firey: My alarm clock? I turned off my alarm clock for the holidays.

Firey: Is school open? Better go check.

Firey gets dressed and ready for school.

Firey: So school is open...

Blocky: Hey Firey! You had a good holidays?

Firey: Huh? What day is it.

Blocky: Tired already? It's the first day of school!

Firey: (So I revived at the start of the school year? I have to relive this whole year of school?! At least I know what will happen if I say or do certain things.)

Firey: School sucks man.

Eraser: I know right!?


I walked over to my classroom.

As Firey walked inside he thought that if he doesn't sit next to Leafy then a lot of this year might change. Also, he didn't want to have Leafy trying to make him a simp for her.

Firey takes a different seat. The top right seat.

Leafy: Start of a new school! Can you believe it?


Leafy: I missed you guys too. Glad that you got in the same school as me!

Firey: (I am not glad. And you didn't come to my last school.)

Leafy: But where should I sit...

Simps: Sit next to me! Sit next to me!

Leafy: How about next to this fire like guy.

Simps: Awww :(.

Firey: (Not aww you dumb bastards. She is sitting right f*cking next to me again.)

Firey: Hello. What's your name?

Leafy: (How has he not heard of me?) My name's Leafy. What's yours?

Firey: My name's Firey.

Firey then starts to speak inaudible words under his breath.

Leafy: (How is he not shocked of me sitting next to him? He must not know how kind and beautiful I am at first glance. He needs to start liking me!)

Teacher: Shut up class and take a f*cking seat. I am tired of this job so just get on with it.

The class instantly silences afraid of the punishments.

Teacher: As you know I am your English teacher for the year. This year will be different to the rest of the years. This year will contain some Health if not a lot of you know about it. And we will also have Valentine's Day event. What will happen on those days will be discussed about close to the events. Now let's get on with English. Even though I don't want to.


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