Part 27 - Back.

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Pin: Finally I don't have to be in this body.

Leafy: You don't like it? I thought you would.

Pin: Stop being weird Pin!

Scientist: Great. You're here. Come in.

Pin: Can you never do this experiment to anyone ever again?

Scientist: I cannot promise. Sit down please.

Leafy: Ok.

Scientist: So how did the week go?

Pin: Horrible.

Scientist: Why?

Pin: I'd prefer not to tell.

Scientist: Do you mind telling me what happened?

Leafy: Uhhhh. I shouldn't.

Scientist: Alright fine. So you shall now switch bodies.

Pin: Finally.


Leafy feels her body.

Leafy: Yes! It feels so nice to be back!

Pin: Aw. I liked that body.

Leafy: S H U T.


Leafy and Pin walk away from the lab and suddenly hear a loud explosion.


The lab behind them has exploded, taking Pin and Leafy with it.


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