C2 part 2 - Slipped

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(This contain videos.)


Teacher: Class dismissed.

Firey: Yes! Lunch! Finally. What've you got for lunch Eraser?

Eraser: Dragon.

Firey: Dragon what?

Eraser: Dragon deez nuts on your chin.

Firey: Very mature Eraser...

Firey: But seriously, what do you have?

Eraser: Joe.

Firey: Forget it.

Firey: So what did you do during the holidays?

Eraser: Your Mum.

Firey: You are a lost cause.

Firey: What did you do Pen?

Pen: Match.

Firey: I meant- You guys are dumb as hell. How do you even get girls?

Pen: We just ask. And haven't you gotten someone before?

Firey: You mean Teardrop? (Glad it's happening again.)

Leafy: Hey!!! Hey Firey!!!


Eraser: Bro what?

Pen: I know what. And I believe you know too.

Eraser & Pen chanting: Firey likes Leafy!


Leafy: Firey!!! Firey!!!

Firey: sigh* What?

Leafy: Tonight. Do you want to go to ice skate at the new rink they opened?!?

Firey: N-

Leafy: Alright! See you there!

Eraser: Ayyy! See? You got a date! And with the prettiest girl in the school!

Firey: (Just one small change and the whole timeline changes.)

Firey: Simp.


Ding dong!!!

Firey: Yes! My package!

As soon as I open the door I bend down to open the pick up the package. Except... There is no package.


Leafy: Oh uhhh... You seem a little... touchy now... Anyway. You ready to go?

Firey: What? I never agreed to it though! And uhh...

Leafy grabs me by my wrist and drags me across the concrete ground.

Firey: Oww! Leafy! Stop!! Stop!!!


Leafy: Here we are!!!

Firey: Oh cool.

I run for the exit.

Leafy: Where you going?

Leafy pulls me on the wrist.

Firey: FUU-

Leafy: Cmon!

Leafy pulls me onto a bench and hands me ice skates.

Firey: Leafy... I don't want to-

Leafy: Just put it on!

Leafy shoves my foot into the skates.

Firey: Can you stop pulling me?!

Leafy: Then cooperate!

Firey: I don't wan-

Leafy pulls me onto the rink.


Leafy: Don't fall!

Firey: I would DIE if I fell so let me get off!!! And I suck at ice skating!!!

Leafy: I can help you.

Leafy grabs me around the waist.

Firey: Leafy let go!

Leafy doesn't hear over the chatter in the rink.

Firey: sigh* I hate life.

Leafy skates around the rink still holding me by the waist.

Leafy: Whoops!

Leafy let's go of me.





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