Elizabeth Adams is a strong girl who's had a tough life. Life has never been kind to her. She came from an abusive family filled with hate and anger. They ended up leaving her for dead, then Hydra came and "Saved" her. She was with Hydra since she was eleven. Now she is twenty six and free from Hydra.
She has been out of their grasp for one year now. Her only desire is to take them down. So that's just what she'll do. Walking down the streets of Brooklyn with her long brown hair bouncing back and forth up in a high pony tail. Even with it up, it goes down right above the middle f her back. Each step is strong and powerful. Her piercing blueish green eyes scan the area for any danger that may come.
Hydra had tried to get her back, but had failed every time. There has never been a better soldier then her, thanks to Eirkenstine. As she makes her way to the enlisting tent, she finally finds it. She is in the best outfit that she owned. A pair of navy blue pants and a white shirt with black polka dots. She has on her black flats, and walks into the tent. As she walked in, everyone's eyes immediately went to her.
"Can I help you little lady?" A man at the front desk asks.
"I'm here to enlist," she says.
Her shoulders broad and her back straight as a pencil. Hydra always made sure that she had good posture. Him and a few of the other men laugh.
"Where are you from?" The man asks.
"Jersey," she lies.
In reality she was from Russia. But due to the fact that most people didn't like Russians, she dad to hide it.
"Name?" The man asks.
"Adams, Elizabeth," she responds, never looking away from the man in front of her.
Another thing Hydra had taught her was to always maintain eye contact.
"How old are you?" He asks, eyeing her up and down.
"Twenty six," she responds.
She watches him closely as he writes on the paper.
"Why would a pretty lady like you want to join?" The man asks.
"Why do you think?" She asks.
One thing that she would always get in trouble for was her mouth. She never held back.
"Go have a seat," the man commands, handing her a piece of paper.
She takes it from his hand and walks over to a wooden chair. After about twenty minutes, she get's called to go into the office. She follows a woman with bright blond hair. Her hair is at her shoulders and with each step it bounces. She has on a navy green dress and black heels.
On her left hand she spots a ring. She's engaged. The woman takes her to an office.
"You can have a seat, someone will be in shortly," she says.
Elizabeth watches her leave and takes a seat at the chair. All she needs to do is get into the army. The door creeks open and Elizabeth turns her head to see who has entered.
A middle aged man in a general outfit. He has brown sunken eyes, and a receding hairline. He stands at about 6'2 and probably weighs at about 258 pounds. He would be an easy target if needed. She watches him take a seat at the desk opposite to her.
"So," he starts, looking down to the file on his desk. "Elizabeth. Why do you want to join the army?" He asks.
"To fight Nazis," she replies.
"Do you have any experience with fighting?" He asks.
He can tell that she is strong, anyone could just by looking at her. She has broad shoulders and arms with veins that are popped out, even with out flexing.
"Yes sir," she says strongly.
"Can you shoot?" He asks.
"Anything you give me."
It was true, she was the best marksmen out there. She never missed, not unless she wanted to. She was taught to be able to shoot anything and to drive anything. By the time she was ten, she could drive a tank and fly a jet.
He grabs a stamp and places it harshly on the paper. "Your in. I can tell that you would be a good fit. Just know though, it won't be easy. People will want you to fail," the general warns her.
She knew that people didn't like woman in the army, but she didn't care. She just wanted to get rid of Hydra. If people disagree with her, then she'll take care of them.
"I am aware of that sir. Thank you," she says and gives a little bow and then leaves.
As she's walking out the man at the front desk asks her, "Did you get in?"
The general new that she was more then capable, she was strong and built like an ox.
"Yes," she says bluntly.
The mans eyes go wide with shock. All the men around look at the woman as she leaves the room and walks out. Her steps powerful and strong.
She leaves the tent and looks at the papers given to her. She reads, (107, June 17. Brooklyn docks at 5:30 am. Deployment: Europe.) June 17 was a week away. Meaning she just had to get through this week then she will finally be able to get the revenge that she wants.
Soon enough, the day came that she was to be deployed. She went to the docks and had gotten multiple looks from the soldiers and their wives. Since she had no one to say good bye to, she was the first to entire. As she was walking through the crowd though, her eyes spotted a man, he stood at 6'1 and 207 pounds. Next to him was what she thought to be his son, was actually just a really short man. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He was scrawny, she could easily snap him like a twig. Non the less though, she carried on and entire the boat.After about five days of training and soldiers throwing up, do to the sea sickness. They finally arrived. Every training session, she was able to beat everyone. No one expected her to do so well, so when she beat everyone's asses, to say they where surprised was an under statement. Elizabeth stood at 5'7 and weighed 143 pounds. She was pure muscle.
Once they landed in Europe, the training had increased. She had to share a room with a bunch of the nurses that where there. All of them where prissy girls that where basically just there to sleep around with the soldiers. Elizabeth was never one who cared for love. In her eyes, love was for children. That's what both Hydra, her parents, and the world taught her. It was pointless and unnecessary.
It wasn't long though, that her and the rest of her division where sent out for their first mission. They all got ready and loaded up the jeeps and took off to their first location. Now was her first chance to take it Hydra, and she sure as hell wasn't going to fail.

The Russian and the American (Bucky 1940's)
FanfictionThe year is 1943, and Elizabeth Adams has been out of Hydra for a year now. Wanting to fight back Hydra for all the wrong they have done to her, she finds herself in Brooklyn New York. She ends up enlisting and becomes apart of the 107th. The cold a...