Chapter 15

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It is early. Daybreak to be in fact. The winter wind brushes Elizabeths hair back and forth rapidly. As normal, she has her hair up in a braid. But the loos bits that she could never get rid of, where in her face. Every now and again she swats them away. Last night, she had told Bucky that she was just going to shave it all off.

She was going to do it too. But Bucky was a sucker for her hair so he had convinced her to keep it. For now at least. If the woman wanted something, she was going to get it. She was stubborn like that. There was no doubt about that. She was stubborn, cold hearted, aggressive, but kind hearted and sweet. She could take you out, or she could take you out.

Bucky on the other hand, was a charmer. He was sweet, soft hearted, kind, loyal. He was the exact opposite of her. But that's what had made them the perfect couple. They spent most nights together. Whether it was just cuddling, or other activities. They were there for one another though. Especially when the nightmares came rolling in.

  The team stands on the side of a cliff, waiting for the Hydra train to come. Zola is on the train. Along with other weapons. Knowing that Zola is on the train however, that terrifies Bucky. The very man who had experimented on him was going to be on that train. Elizabeth can see this though. She could read him like a book.

  She places her hand on Bucky's shoulder. She is the only one not shivering on this snowy mountain top. Even with the super soldier serum, Steve and Bucky are shaking. Elizabeth is used to this cold. She had grown up in the country. She grew up at the lake and at the Hydra base.

  "It'll be ok my love," she whispered into Bucky's ear.

  He turns around and cups her cheek.

  "How are you not freezing?" He asks.

  "Now now Barnes. You know I can't tell you that," she smirks.

  The two shared a kiss, that is until Dum Dum breaks the two up.

  "Get a room you two love birds," he cracks and the two chuckled.

  Bucky ends up taking Steve side. The two look so natural together. Sighing, Bucky starts up a conversation with Steve.

  "Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Islands?" Bucky asks.

  "Yeah and I threw up?" Steve asks back.

  "This isn't pay back is it?" Bucky asks once more.

  Chuckling Steve replies, "Now why would I do that?"

  Elizabeth can't help but chuckle at the two. Their so close, like brothers. That's something that she had always longed for. The one girl in the Red Room felt like her sister but it didn't last long. No friend ships or anything of that sort did there, so she kept to herself.

  She had grown a like to Steve. He was kind and sweet. Through Bucky the two had grown closer as well. They where all truly a family.

  "We where right. Dr. Zola is on the train," Gabe says. "Hydra dispatch had ave him permission to open up the throttle. Where ever he's going, they must need him bad," he adds.

  They all watch the train round the corner. Elizabeth shoots the wire to the mountain across from them.

  "Let's get moving because their moving like the devil," James says.

  It's true. The train is moving at an ungodly speed. Everyone grabs there hooks and attach it onto the wire that Elizabeth had shot only moments before.

  "We only have a ten second window. If you miss that window," Steve pauses. "We're bugs on a wind shield," he says through his teeth.

  "Mind the gap," James mentions.

Not all of them were going.

  "Better get moving bugs," Dum Dum says.

  He was always trying to lighten up the mood. Everyone hooks up to the wires and just as on cue, the train comes around the corner. As the train passes by, they all go down the wire one by one. Starting with Steve and ending with Elizabeth.

Once their all on the train, they walk on the top of the cars and make their way inside. Three of the soldiers remain on the roof of the train while Bucky, Steve, and Elizabeth sneak their way in.

  Once inside, Bucky and Steve make their way down the isle with Elizabeth covering their backs. As the three are about to walk into the other room, the doors separate the three. Putting Steve and Bucky into one room and Elizabeth in the other.

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