Chapter 2

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As they are on their way to their location, Elizabeth is seated in the back of a truck next to a man called James. Across from her are two other guys. The one wears a bowler hat and has a red stash. Next to him is a French man. The three men are talking about the plan, and Elizabeth is keeping to her self.

"So, why is a girl like you here?" James asks.

  Most people call him Bucky, but she never understood why.

  "Yeah, what's the reason behind coming here?" The man with the bowler hat asks.

  "None of your fucking business," she simply responds.

  Her hand is draped over the side of the truck. She watches the scenery as the trees quickly fly by. They are in the middle of a forest, and are driving on a dirt road.

"Aren't woman supposed to be all against cussing?" The bowler hat guy asks.

  "Back in France it is unladylike like. Only the men can cuss," he says.

  Elizabeth doesn't answer, not really carrying. She would love to fight this war by herself, but she can't afford to pay for the guns and other machinery. Although steeling is an option, she doesn't feel like doing that.

"I've seen your fighting. Your pretty good," James says looking in her direction.

  He has seen her multiple times, they had done some training together. When they would go on runs as a group she would always win and Bucky would be seconds away from beating her. Even when they would shoot, no one could shoot like her. This caught Bucky's eyes. When he looked at her, his heart would always warm up and he couldn't help but get butterfly's in his stomach.

He was a lady's man back home, and some of the other guys would tease him for it. Bucky thought he knew what love was, but when he looks at her, his entire world changes. He knew though that she was out if his league. She wouldn't even bat an eyelash at a guy like Bucky.

  "Where did you train?" Bucky asks once more.

  "You ask a lot of questions," she replies.

Elizabeth was never used to the freedom that she had when she was out of Hydra. Being in the woods made her feel the most free. The trees passing by and the sounds that the forest made, gave her happiness.

  "You are a very mysterious woman," Bucky comes back.

  "I've lived a lot of life with out living," she responds.

  This confused Bucky and the other men. Giving one another looks though, they decided to drop the conversation and redirect it.

  "I don't think any of us every introduced ourselves," the bowler hat man says.

  "I'm Dum Dum Dugan, this is Jacques, and Bucky," he says pointing to each person.

  Elizabeth looks at them, not really caring.

  "Timothy Aloysius Cadwallader, Jacques Dernier, and James Buchanan Barnes," Elizabeth says.

  "How did you-" The French man starts but is cut off.

  "I know all about you guys."

"How?" Bucky asks.

  "You live in Brooklyn, your best friends name is Steve Rogers and he want's to join the military. He's sick though and is very short and scrawny. You have a sister and a mother. Your father died though. Dum Dum's parents are immigrants from Ireland and he joined the circus when he was fourteen. And you basically just lived in France and got bored so you came over here."

Everyone is taken back by this.

  "How do you know this?" Bucky asks, now angry.

  How could someone know this much about him? Was she a spy?

  "I saw you and Steve when you left. You carry a picture with you in your pocket with your parents. And your French, your the easiest people to read." In Elizabeth's mind, she saw nothing wrong with this.

  This is how she was taught. Analyze everything and know everything about everyone. To here this is normal.

"Who trained you?" Dum Dum asks.

  Elizabeth is taken back by this. She can remember every lesson from every trainer that she had. But the one that she feared the most, the one who truly taught her everything she knows. Is the man that made her life hell. Thinking back to the memories of Red Skull and Hydra, Elizabeth became quite and secluded. The men had no clue what was going on inside her head.

The atmosphere seemed to change. The silence became uncomfortable and stiff. But Dum Dum wasn't backing away.

  "Are you a spy?" He asks.

  "I was trained by Hitler," Elizabeth says.

  Dum Dum laughs. Thinking it was a joke. No she was not trained by Hitler, but rather someone stronger and much more scarier. Bucky could tell though that there was some truth to what she said though. He could also see how quickly her mood had changed.

Once they get to the new camp, they set everything up and get ready for the battle to come in the morning. Everyone is up at the crack of dawn, except for Elizabeth. She alway had a hard time sleeping. She was to afraid of what she would see when she would close her eyes. She would wait until she physically could not stay awake any longer.

Everyone hops into the trucks and they make their way to their first battle. Once they arrive at the scene, they are immediately welcomed by gun firing. Elizabeth hops out of the truck while it's still moving.

  Bucky calls out to her, "No wait! This isn't the stop!"

  She ignored him and ran off with her gun. Already she had people surrounding her. She has to make every shot count. She is a one man army.

  Four soldiers come at her and start shooting. She takes the gun to her shoulder and shoots every man, not missing one. She pushes through and kills each man with no remorse. Once she gets into the woods, she uses the trees to her advantage.

She climbs one up and runs along the branches. Each man she comes across, she kills. She ends catching up to her team and passes them. She goes onto the other side, that way she can take them out from the back and push them up to her team. Making every bullet count, she eventually ends up running out of amo.

This leaves her no choice but to move in from the ground. She takes out her knife and creeps up behind each one, silently taking them out. Eventually she's across her teammates.

  "What's that?" Bucky asks, looking through the scape of his gun.

  "Is, is that Elizabeth?" Dum Dum asks.

The two men watch in awe as she takes them out with her bare hands. She has one man in a head lock and with her left leg she kicks the one soldiers gun out of his hands. No one has ever seen anything like this before. So backing up their teammate, they take their shots and eventually, they end up beating them.

No one was dead, and even better, no one got hurt. It was all thanks to Elizabeth for coving their backs and then pushing in front of them and taking them from the back and forcing them up. With her on their side, they would surly win the war.

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