Soldiers come on either side of her and force her in the direction of the chair.
"No," she breaths out in fear.
She stops where she's at and tries to get away and back up, but the soldiers force her forward and closer to the chair.
"NO! NO PLEASE!" She begs.
Knowing far to well what's to come, she can't help but fight back.
"I believe that's the closest we've gotten to a scream," Zola notes.
"NO! Please! I-I" She stutters, unable to form words.
The soldiers strap her down to the chair and the restraints buckle onto her arms, legs, and torso. Red Skull walks closer to her with a smile.
"Do you know what you have done? Do you know, WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME?!" He screams in her face.
He pulls off his mask, revealing his true face. Red and bony, living up to the name Red Skull. Elizabeth tries to get out of the restraints but she is unable.
"You really think you can get out of this you bitch?" He spits.
To afraid, she doesn't respond.
"Three hours," he commands, standing straight now and no longer in her face.
Elizabeths eyes go wide. "No! No please! That'll kill me!" She pleads.
"Then it will kill you. Isn't that what you wanted when you messed up my serum? Because if you didn't then you shouldn't have done that. You know what? Make it four."
Red Skull turns around and the head piece starts to come done. The piece perfectly fits her head. With sounds of electricity, it is places on her face. The moment it is, she lets out a painful scream. The moment she starts screaming, Red Skull leaves the room with a smile. He had succeeded, he got her to scream. He was the only one who was able to get her to scream, just like Bucky was the only one to get her to smile.
Bucky and the team are sitting in their cell, when all of the sudden they hear a blood curdling scream echo throughout the halls. The boys exchange looks to one another. Everybody is confused as to who it was. It couldn't be Elizabeth, seeing as how strong she is and how she had been resisting this long.
But Bucky? He knew. He knew that it was Elizabeth, he knew her voice. So hearing this scream his heart broke. He wanted to go to her, he wanted to tell her that everything was going to be ok. He wanted to hold her and stroke her long silky hair. But he couldn't, he couldn't get to her. All he could hope was that he would see her again.
It's been four hours, they where keeping track on Jacque's watch. If anything the screams started to sound more painful. Then suddenly, the screaming stops. Bucky's blood runs cold and his back goes stiff, thinking the worst has happened to his girl.
Another five minutes go by and Bucky can hear the sobs and wincing. His hearing has started to become better, along with his fiscal abilities. The crying gets louder by the second, until the door opens. Bucky's eyes go wide and fear runs down him.
He runs to the door of the cell and grips onto the bars.
"What did you assholes do to her?!" Bucky yells.
"Move out of the way," the guard commands.
Bucky doesn't, so they shock him with the stick. Bucky stumbles back and grips his rib cage. He lets out a sharp breath. The door to the cell swings open and they throw her to the ground. They slam the door and the one guard kneels down.
"Not so strong now are you?" He says in German.
Bucky watches as they walk away and he rushes to her side. Her voice sounds horse-ish and raw. Unable to catch her breath, Elizabeth shakes uncontrollably with tears streaming down her face. Bruising can be seen on the sides of her head.
She's rolls up into a ball, holding the side of her head in the exact place where the head piece had covered her face only minutes before. Bucky kneels down and goes to grab her, but she lets out a little shriek.
"Heilf," she cries, her voice raw and raspy.
That's all she could do. She had been in that chair for four hours, she was on the brink of collapsing.
"Hey, it's ok. It's ok," Bucky says trying to calm her.
He wants to take her into his arms, but even that is to painful for her. Every part of her body is on fire. He muscles are tensed. Her brain is fired and she could only focus on the pain.
Not soon after though, Johan walks in with his mask and all. Standing tall, he looks at the girls quivering body. No matter how much she wanted to scream out in pain right now she couldn't. Her voice is shot. So instead she sobs and hyperventilates. He smiles to himself, proud of the work he has done. He was going to break her. He is winning, Hydra is winning.
"What did you do to her you fuck?" Bucky spit.
Dum Dum shoots up, taking charge. He pushed Bucky back into the bars, using his other arm. He placed his forearm over his neck.
"Shut up Sergeant Barnes," he orders.
"I put her in her places. Don't worry, she hasn't totally forgotten who you are. Not yet at least," he smirks.
This confuses everyone. Walking away with a smile painted on his face, Dugan finally let go of James. He goes back to Liz's side and kneels down to her. Everyone is shocked to see how broken this once powerful girl is. She's the one that had beaten everyone in training. She was untouchable. She could take out army's all by herself. So seeing her broken like this is a bad sign.
"Elizabeth, try to focus on something," Bucky says softly, remembering back to what she had taught him.
Still though, there is no response other then her broken and shaky breaths.
"Hey, focus on my voice," Bucky commanded.
She opens her eyes to Bucky's soft smile.
Never letting go of her head, Bucky keeps talking to her. Telling her stories and reminding her things. Eventually she calms down. It took her a while but she did. The poor girl is in unimaginable pain, everyone can see that. So Bucky did his best to get her out of her head and to take her mind off of the pain.

The Russian and the American (Bucky 1940's)
FanfictionThe year is 1943, and Elizabeth Adams has been out of Hydra for a year now. Wanting to fight back Hydra for all the wrong they have done to her, she finds herself in Brooklyn New York. She ends up enlisting and becomes apart of the 107th. The cold a...