Chapter 3

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Once they all get back to the base, everyone heads out for drinks in celebration of their victory. Elizabeth however, stayed in her room. She was lost in thought and contemplating what she could have done better. There's a knock on the door, taking her out of her mind and towards the door.

Bucky walks in all dressed up in his navy green army outfit.

  "Hey, you want to come to the pub and grab a drink? Me and some of the other guys are heading down and we figured we ask. I mean, it is all thanks to you that we didn't die. No one even got hurt which is unheard of," Bucky exclaims.

In reality though, he just wanted to get to know this cold hearted girl. She sighed and turned her attention out to the window. Her milk chocolate hair, perfectly outlining her face.

  "Maybe next time," is all the girl says.

  "Come on, I'm buying," Bucky protests.

  He wasn't going to take no for an answer. When he saw a girl that he liked, he did everything he could to get her.

She sighs and stands up off of her cot. She grabs the knife off of the table next to her bed and shoved it in the back of her pants.

  "Lets get this over with," she sighed.

  She never liked parties. Not only that, but she couldn't get drunk, so there was no use in her drinking if she couldn't feel the side affects.

Once they get to the pub, everyone is already there.

  "Hey! Elizabeth!" Dugan shouts from across the room.

  Bucky waves, and the two of them walk over to the table and take a seat. Bucky's on her right, and Dugan on her left. A waiter comes by the table and asks what they want to drink.

Bucky goes for a simple beer, and Elizabeth goes for a bottle of vodka. Yes, she asked for the bottle. The waiter comes back shortly after and gives the two their drinks. He hands Elizabeth her bottle and a shot glass. Immediately, she undoes the cap and takes a swing. They all just look at her wide eyed.

"You sure you should be drinking like that?" A man across from her asks.

  He seems to be from somewhere in Asia. His tanner skin, black hair, and facial features give her all the right hints. But his accent tells her that he's from Fresno California. She slams the bottle down and lets out a sigh.

"I've been beating men in drinking competitions since I was four," she says.

  Everyone laughs at her, thinking that she's joking, but by her face, they soon realize that it was not a joke. Their eyes go wide and they just stare at her.

  "Your a hard person to figure out," Dum Dum says taking a swing of his beer.

  "Ok, I have a question," Bucky starts. "Where did you learn to fight?" He asks.

  This peaks up everyone's attention. So, Elizabeth takes a swing of her vodka and sighs.

  "I've been fighting since I was little. It just came natural," she states, not wanting to get into the back story of her life.

  She reaches for the back of her neck and rubs it. She traces over the branding that Hydra had given her. Tracing over it, she realized that she would never truly be free from them. The branding was of the octopus symbol. That's why her hair was so long. When it was down it went to her mid back. She always made sure too to cover up her arms, or at least use makeup to hide the scars.

  Thinking about her time back in Hydra, she closes herself off and starts to rub the sleeves that covers her strong arms. The men carry on with their conversation, being intimidated and slightly threatened by this girl that sat with them. Bucky however, could see that she was reliving something.

  So, to try and get her mind off of it, he listened to a song that someone had requested. The song was Just the Two of Us. Bucky stands up, trying to get the woman out of her mind. He holds his hand out for her to grab.

  "Come on, lets dance," Bucky smiles.

  "I-I don't know how," she lies.

  She does in fact know how to dance, and she was quite good at it. Part of Hydra's training was dancing. She just didn't want to.

  "I'll teach you," he smiles.

  She sigh, knowing that he won't back down, and grabs his hand. Bucky leads the two to the dance floor and they start to slow dance to the song. As their dancing Bucky interrupts the silence.

  "What's on your mind?" He asks.

This pulls Elizabeths attention. She looks into his piercing blue eyes, puzzled on how he knew something was wrong.

  "Nothing, just, was thinking," she says, tripping over her own words.

  "I know that we don't really know each other, but we're a team. We should be able to tell each other anything," Bucky says, taking this a the perfect moment to flirt.

However, he did mean it. He never felt this way about any other girl he's been with. He could tell that there was a lot to this woman, dancing in his arms. He wanted to get to know her though. Being around her made him happy and feel at piece. And although she wouldn't admit it, the same went for Elizabeth. She felt safe with him, she couldn't explain it, but she trusted him. And trust wasn't something that the assassin would just give out.

They ended up dancing for most of the night. Going back and forth and swaying to the music. Elizabeths head rested perfectly on Bucky's shoulder. The way she fit in Bucky's arms was a perfect match. And for once, she didn't mind the touch. Normally she hated it, it would bring back unwanted memories.

The next three months where one fight after the other. Only three men had died in their division. But other then that, they where unstoppable. With Elizabeth on their side, they where even able to take down a Hydra base. The thing though, is that to everyone else it was just a Nazi hideout. But she knew that it was Hydra, she could tell by the cells and the numbering next to them.

Not only that, but she recognized one of doctors that was trying to flee the scene. She had a shot and she took it, not wanting to risk exposure. Raid after raid, fight after fight, night after night, they where slowly making their way to Austria.

Elizabeth and Bucky had become close. Bucky would tell her about the nights at Brooklyn, he would talk to her about Steve and the fights that he got in. He would tell her about Rebecca, his sister, and his mother. Elizabeth would listen to his stories, she was always amazed at the freedom that he had. Not only that but the love he was shown. He had people that cared about him.

Once they where in Austria, that's when Elizabeth had spotted a Hydra camp. She knew exactly where it was. She knew because she had been there. So, she was going to take it down. She brought the matter up with he general who had agreed that it needed to be taken down. Only her and the general knew about Hydra, the ret of the team though where told that they where just Nazi camps.

The general never questioned how she knew about Hydra. He knew that it was a war, and in war comes hurt and pain. He figured that she had just had a run in with them, but it was more then just a run in. So her and the general came up with a plan. With Bucky now being moved up to a sergeant, and her to a lieutenant, they where able to make it happen.

It was supposed to be an easy raid, but little did they know that Hydra had been waiting. Waiting for them, waiting for her. Waiting for their weapon.

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