Chapter 8

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  The night was long and no one was given food that night. Everyone though was able to sleep, everyone that is except for Elizabeth and Bucky. The pain being too much for the both of them. They where both happy though, knowing that other one was alive. They had kept themselves to the wall made out of metal poles.

  Once Bucky's body started to feel less on fire, he was able to sit up on his own. Elizabeth however was starting to loose a lot of blood. She would go in and out of consciousness. Every time Bucky would have to wake her up. Laying on his lap, curled up into a ball, he stroked her long brown hair and would tuck it behind her ear.

  "You hate me, don't you?" She asks in such a quite voice, that he barley heard her.

  He sighed and kissed the top of her head. "I don't hate you Liz."

  He was the only one to call her that, if anyone else called her that she would for sure kill them.

  "Liz, I could never hate you. I thought I knew what love was, but it's clear that I didn't," he starts.

  "My father died in the war. It left my mother scared and she was never the same. I remember asking her what true love was. She said it's when you would do anything for the other person. It's when you would fight for the other person no matter the outcome. You would do anything for that person, even if it meant death. I realized that I wouldn't do that for any girl back in Brooklyn, but I would do it for you without question. I love you Lizzy," he smiles.

  She smiles to her self and rubs the tougher fabrics of Bucky's pant leg. Feeling it in between her fingers she lets out a breath. And very quietly, she says, "I love you."

  She never thought that she would ever say that. She was taught that love was for children and weak people, but she's found out that she's actually stronger with Bucky at her side. She wasn't going to give that up, not without a fight at least.

  Come morning, Elizabeth is so weak that she can't even lift her head up. Her bare legs, dirty, bloody, and bruised. Bucky ended up taking off his shirt and slipped it over her body. That way she had a little more coverage. Bucky's rib cage was black, blue, purple, and yellow. They had beaten him, not enough to make him bleed, but enough to leave a mark.

  A fleet of soldiers come in and take the men away, all except Bucky. Once again, leaving it just the two. Elizabeths blood has completely permeated Bucky's shirt. Still struggling to keep her eyes open, Elizabeth start to talk to herself, hoping that she would be able to stay awake. She's mumbling things under her breath, Bucky can hear her, but seeing that she is speaking in Russian, German, and English, he can only catch very few words.

  Then, about five soldiers and doctor Zola come into the prison chambers. Bucky's heart drops, thinking that they where here for him. He watches as the little man steps up to the cell.

  "Mr. Barnes, please step away from the girl," he commands in his Swedish accent.

  "Your not taking me away from her," he growls, holding onto his girl.

  "On the contrary, I'm here for her. Not everything is about you. You Americans believe everything is about you," he says.

  Bucky grabs hold of Elizabeths limp body and scoots back as far as he can with her in his arms. He gently places her head on the ground, and stands up ready for a fight.

  The guards open up the door and they just stand there, waiting for Zola's command. Then, Elizabeth grabs Bucky's ankle. Turning his head to look at her bloody and half naked figure.

  She squeaks, "Don't. Don't fight."

  Bucky however ignores her. Not backing down from his fighting position.

  "I would listen to the subject," Zola says with an evil smile.

  Elizabeth lets out a violent cough, turning Bucky's attention back to her.

  "Stand down, soldier. That's an order," she wheezes.

  Bucky sighs and kneels down to her.

  "I can't let them take you," he says in a melancholy voice.

  "I'll be fine."

  She forces a smile and looks him in the eyes. Obeying her orders, Bucky steps back from her body and places his hands above his head.
Two guards turn Bucky around and force his face into the bars. They hold him down and all he can do is watch as a guard picks up her limp body. Leaving the jacket behind, he watches her leave. Once the soldiers let him go, he turns around and snaps the neck of the one soldier, feeling anger and hatred run through his veins. The other one runs at him but Bucky grabs his arm and snaps it. He then chokes him out, eventually killing him.

  As he's about to go to the third guard, he closes the door on him. Leaving Bucky in there with two dead people. He grabs onto the bars and starts yelling slurs at the guard leaving. Once he leaves the room, Bucky turns around to see the two men that he just killed. He sighs, angrily at the fact that there are two dead Nazis and his girl is gone.

As Elizabeth is getting dragged through the all to familiar halls, she ends up entering a room. In the center, is a metal table with metal restraints. On the other side of it is a row of cabinets and counter tops. In the cabinets are vile's, needles, and other various hospital items. There's a giant lamp hovering over the metal table and a metal tray littered with medical equipment.

The Soldier places Elizabeth on the table and the start to strap her down. Once she's strapped down, Dr. Zola starts up the anesthetic and instead of pain killers, he does hallucinogens. So, with Elizabeth being drugged and in and out of consciousness, Dr. Zola gets to work.

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