Chapter 6

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  As the man looks down to her, he inspects her. Thinking back to what he was told, he decided to check if it was who people believed it to be. In one swift motion, he grabs her arm and shoves her body into one of the cells.

  "Liz!" Bucky calls out, but is then held down by one of the guards.

  "James. Don't" she commands.

  The general has her arm behind her back, about to break it. He has his other hand on her neck, and he gets close to her face. He's so close, that she can smell his coffee breath.

  "Let's see who you really are," he says.

  The moment he's about to pull back her hair, she throws her head back and hits him square in the face. She sweeps his legs, making him fall on his back. Two guards are quickly at her side and electrocute her in the sides. She fall to her knees and lets out a growl.

  They pull away and grab her arms. She watches the general get up, his nose all bloody and broken.

  "You bitch!" He yells.

  Right as he's about to back hand her, he is ordered to stop.

  "General Reign. You are bleeding all over my facility. Go."

  Elizabeth turns her head and see non other then Johan Schmitt. The Red Skull. Her eyes go wide and fill up with fear.

  "I know it's you Widow," he says.

  Chills run down Elizabeths back hearing the old name.

  "Fuck off!" She spits, her natural voice coming out.

  Her real accent, Russian. He walks up to her and places his hand on her chin, forcing her to look up. She takes in his features. Sharp jawline, broad shoulders, deep brown, almost black eyes. He always towered over her. He brings his fist up and punches her. The only part of her body to move was her head. He then walks behind her and forces her head down. He pulls her hair back from neck and traces over the branding on the back of her neck.

  "Are you aware of who this person that you call your leader is?" He asks.

  Turning around to face the Americans.

  "She's a murderer a killer. Has she told you about the amount of people she has killed for me?" He asks.

  Elizabeths heart drops with fear, regret, and anger.

  "She killed her own parents," he adds.

  She looks down to the ground in shame.

  "That's not true!" Bucky yells, making everyone look at her. "You killed her parents! Besides, she would never kill for you," Bucky protests.

  Red Skull walks up to him and stands in front of him. "How much has she told you about herself?" He asks.

  "Enough for me to know that your bad," he snaps.

  "Where is she from? What's her biggest fear?" Johan asks.

  "She's from Jersey," Bucky answers, remembering back to their first mission together.

  "Wrong. Clearly, you haven't heard her real voice," he says with an evil smile.

  "What do you mean?" Bucky asks.

  "Leave him out of this," Elizabeth barks.

  "Leave them out of this. Please," she reiterates.

  Red Skull turns back to her and walks closer to her. "I'll do what you want. I won't fight back. Please, don't hurt them. Their dum Americans who don't know anything about fighting. If you want to kill me or hurt me, fine. But leave them out of this. It was my idea to do this raid" she pleads, not holding back her Russian accent now.

  Schmitt sighs and thinks for a moment. "Take her to her old cell. Hang her by her wrists and beat her till she screams," he commands.

  Elizabeth lets out a breath and darts her eyes at him. As much as she want's to fight back, she doesn't. The guards force her to her feet and drag her out.

  As she's being dragged out, she gives Bucky a glance and a single tear rolls down her face. She mouths 'sorry' and is then pulled out of the room.

Bucky watches as they drag her away, he didn't believe what the Red Skull was saying. He had made a break through with Elizabeth, they had become close. So why would she lie? Scared for Elizabeth and what may happen to her, he decides to fight back. She had taught him some of her moves, he believed that he could take them.

Bucky throws his elbow into the nearest soldier's face. The soldier stumbles back, another soldier comes running at him. Bucky uses the momentum and knees him in the face, twice. The soldiers drops down unconscious.

  "Barnes! Your gonna get yourself killed!" Dum Dum yells.

  They where just trying to look out for one another. As much as the rest of them wanted to fight back, they didn't. So they watch as Bucky does.

  "Enough," Red Skull commands.

  One of the soldiers disobeys and goes after Bucky anyway. Without hesitation, Johan shoots him in the head, making the soldiers drop to the ground lifeless.

There is no mercy, he disobeyed and there was no room for that in Schmitt eyes. Bucky looks at the man with anger in his eyes.

  "Your a fighter. You care for her, don't you? Love maybe?" He asks, walking towards Bucky.

  Bucky doesn't respond, instead he swallows down his pride.

"What are you going to do to her?" He asks.

  "Nothing that concerns you," he says in a low tone.

  "Her wellbeing does concern me," Bucky spits back.

  "I like him. He would make a good candidate. Take him away and start the testing," Schmitt commands.

  Bucky's eyes go wide with fear at this command.

"What?" He squeaks out.

  Then two soldiers come up behind him and cuff him. They drag him out of the room and to who knows where. Red Skull watches as they drag Barnes out of the room, then he turns to the rest of the soldiers.

  "Send the rest of them to work. If they step out of line, put them back in place. No one is to die, not yet," he smirks, then leaves the room.

All of the soldiers stand there in shock. Shocked about the fact that they where captured, and shocked by the fact that two of their strongest fighters where taken into custody. But nonetheless, they want to survive, so they are forced to comply.

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