Chapter 22

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Elizabeth is rushing her way to the hospital on her bike. After receiving news that Fury had died she was quick to leaving. As she swerves through the passing cars, she finally gets to the hospital. She rushes into the operation center where Steve said he was.

Once she get's there she see's Natasha, Hill, and Steve standing at the window watching him. She silently waits in the corner, making her presence unknown. Not on purpose, but by habit.

"Will he make it?" Natasha asks.

Elizabeth wasn't there for him. She despised the man. No, she was here for her girl. She was here for Natasha. Fury was the one who helped her the most. He was one of the first people to trust her and to give her a chance. A new opportunity. Also, she wanted to go after the killer. She was bored and wanted the hunt.

After he flatlined, everyone went to say their goodbyes. Steve was quick to leaving and Natasha ran off to the bathroom. Elizabeth can tell though that something funny is going on. One of the reasons why she never joined shield is because she knew it was corrupt. But something now is making her stomach turn.

She walks out of the room where she see's a man, a little shorter than Steve standing and talking to him. He has short brown hair and dark brown eyes. The two lock eyes with one another, giving her an uneasy feel. Then, he starts walking up to her.

"Could you come with us?" He asks in a raspy, low voice.

She shoots Steve a look and he just shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't seem too sure about this situation either. So, Elizabeth nods her head and they all make their way out.

Once they finally reach the SHIELD facility, they step into an office. Standing there is a man with slightly orange hair and theses bluish green eyes. He's tall and has a basic build. He's at least in his mid fifties, if not sixties. He has a square face with a defining jaw.

"Welcome, it's a pleasure to have you here Captain America and Rusalka. My name is Alexander Pierce," he welcomes, shaking Steve's hand.

  As he's about to shake Elizabeth, she turns away. She doesn't shake hands. She doesn't like touch.

  "Sir, it's an honor," says Steve.

  "The honors mine Captain. My father served in the 101st. Come in why don't ya?"

  The two soldiers make their way into the room. It seems dull and lifeless. There's big glass windows and a desk pushed off to the corner of the room. In the center are couches and a coffee table in the middle.

  As they Steve and Pierce sit down on the couch together, talking and looking at photos, Elizabeth is looking around the room. Something feels off to her. Something feels off about this guy.

  "Captain, why was Nick in your apartment last night?"

  Elizabeth turns around to face the man who asked the question. Now this is something she would like to know as well. Something isn't right and all of this just seems out of place.

  "I don't know," Steve answers with a sigh.

  "Did you know it was bugged?"

  Elizabeth now walks up behind Steve, his head coming up to her shoulders. No matter what though, she doesn't take her glare off Pierce.

  "I did because he told me."

  "Did he says that he bugged it?"

  Then there's a long, awkward pause. Pierce and Elizabeths eyes meet and for a split second, all she sees is evil. Then, piece pulls something up on the projector and shows the two footage. Of a man being interviewed, or more so, interrogated.

  "This live?" Steve asks.

  "They found him and picked him up last night. He was in a not so safe house in Algiers."

  "You think he's a suspect?"

  "Assassination isn't Batroc's line. No, it's more complicated than that. He was hired to attack the Lemurian Star. And was contacted by email and paid by wire transfer. And the money was run all over. But the last one went through a holding company that was registered to a man named Jacob Veech," Pierce explains, handing Steve a photo.

  Steve takes it and then hands it to Elizabeth. She's seen this man before. She killed him.

  "Am I supposed to know who this is?" Asks Steve.

  "No, he died six years ago," says pierce, then he goes on talking about where the man lived.

  "Are you saying Fury hired the pirates?" Elizabeth finally asks.

  Pierce looks up to her with a surprised look. She hadn't said a word since they've come in.

  "Why would he do that?" Steve asks.

  "The main theory is that the hijacking was a cover for the acquisition and sale of classified intelligence. It went sour and that's why Nick is dead."

  "If you really knew Nick Fury than you know that's not true," says Steve.

  "Why do you think we're talking?" He asks.

  Pierce gets up from the couch and walks over to the window behind his desk. The tension in the air becomes tight and now both Steve and Elizabeth sense the tension. This man is clearly not who he says he is. Then, he says something that sets Elizabeth off.

  "Sometimes building a better world, means tearing down the old one. And that, makes enemies."

  Elizabeth and Steve give each other a glance then he turns around.

"Captain, you were the last person to see him alive. I don't think that's a coincidence. And I don't think you do either."

  Steve stays quiet, just staring at the man.

  "So I'm going to ask you again. Why was he there?"

  "He told me not to trust anyone."

  "I wonder if that included him."

  "I'm sorry, those were his last words," Steve says.

  Elizabeth grabs Steve's arm and the two face each other. Elizabeth nods and the two are making their way out.

  "Captain, somebody murdered my friend and I'm going to find out why. Anyone get's in my way, they're going to regret it. Anyone," Pierce says.

  "Understood," Steve says with a nod.

  "And Rusulka, if I fond out that you were in it, you're going back to where you belong," he threatens.

  Although she doesn't show anything, this statement proves her theory. She nods her head and the two leave.

  Once they reach the elevator, people start piling in. Steve and Elizabeth give each other a look. She looks behind her and she can see a pin. On it though, is the Hydra symbol. The man next to her sweating and shaking. And the man in front has his hand on his gun. She looks to Steve and then he analyses it.

  "Before we get started, would anyone like to get out?" He asks.



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