Once Elizabeths breathing has gone back to it's normal pattern, she still slightly hiccups on her now dried tears. Her body, sore from being that tense for so long, and she can't help but shake in the middle of the floor. Cold, sweaty, and in pain, James sweeps her up into his arms and holds her.
She clutches onto his shirt and digs her head into his chest. Image after image flashes through her head. The Hydra symbol, war, machines, the Nazi flag, red skull. All of these represent who she used to be, who she is. The Black Widow. The name only went to the best of the best.
She was the only one to survive in her group. It started out with over fifty girls, and got all the way down to her. The rest either faded away or she was forced to kill. When the new group after her came, no one survived, meaning no one else had gotten the Black Widow title. Well not that she knows of.
Hydra had sent her there after two years of being there with them. When she went back to Hydra, she was more deadly and lethal than ever before. Along with the title though came the orders, and obedience. So Hydra would brainwashed her and make her think that they where the good guys.
"Liz," James says softly.
She doesn't respond and just keeps her hands in the place where the head piece rested. Bucky takes her hands in his and lifts up her chin, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes are red and puffy and there are dried tear marks on her cheek.
"I've got you Lizzy, Ok? I won't let them hurt you like that again," he reassures her.
"I don't want to kill. I can't do it anymore. Not for them," she says in a low hushed voice.
"You don't have to. Not anymore," he smiles.
The rest of the night, she lay's on Bucky's lap. Bucky strokes her hair and he can hear her sing a tune to herself. It wasn't one that he recognized though.Elizabeth would run her finger through the dirt and write little things. Her words went back and forth between her three main languages, making it impossible to know what she was really writing. The other men watched her write and listened to her soothing voice.
"How many languages do you know?" Dum Dum asks.
"Seventeen," she responds in a whisper.
In the dirt she writes, (What is his name?) This confuses Bucky.
"Dugan?" He asks.
Dum Dum's attention peaks at his fellow soldiers voice.
"Dum Dum, right?" She asks.
The two men exchange looks to one another.
"Yeah," Bucky says cautiously.
She erases the writing and apologizes.
Bucky starts to try and braid her her hair, seeing as it smooths the woman. As Bucky is sitting there, it hits him. He's been wondering why she asked, 'do you remember me?' When he got back from his first round with them. But when she got back and Red Skull said that she still remembers him, and just now, with asking who Dum Dum was, he put it together.
They where trying to brainwash her. They were trying to get her to kill for them again. Bucky had been going back and forth and he even found himself starting to forget small things. Such as what his favorite color was or what he liked to eat. At one point he even forgot his sisters birthday.
This realization scared Bucky. Jacque saw this, but didn't say anything. Looking back down to his girl though, he sighed. He wondered how much she truly remembered.
Come morning, both her and Bucky where taken. Neither one of them fought back. Bucky knew that there was no use and it would only cause him or Elizabeth pain. As for Elizabeth, she couldn't. Her body and mind wouldn't let her. So they followed the people leading them and eventually they went their own ways.
Elizabeth was taken to a room with a mat in the center of the room. On one of the walls was a one way mirror. They where going to make her fight and sprawl. As for Bucky, Zola was continuing his tests on him. Needle after needle Bucky's body was on fire. He couldn't help but scream out in pain.
After putting the puzzle pieces together though, he kept talking to himself. He would remind himself of simple things, where he grew up, his house number, Steve's house number, the day they met, his and Steves birthday. Anything really, now afraid that he could loose it. The two wouldn't end up seeing their teammates for two months.
Everyone is now tarting to slip through the cracks. They came here with seventy and now their down to forty-three. At this rate, they weren't going to get out of this. They've been here for over seven months now. Both Bucky and Elizabeth have slowly been losing themselves. Elizabeth is in a training session and Bucky is in the middle of an experiment session with Zola.
Elizabeth is training in her black cargo pants and tight long sleeve black shirt. Her black combat boots help make her kicks a little more powerful. All of the sudden, a loud bang goes off, followed by the sounds of alarms. This peeks Elizabeths attention. She can hear the foot steps of one man and one man only. Captain America! She has over heard Red Skull talking about him. He was here to save them, that's what her gut was telling her, and her gut was never wrong.
Seeing this as her chance to fight back, Elizabeth quickly takes out all the guards like it was nothing. Shockingly though, no one came in to stop her. She grabs a pistol from one of the nearby guards and walks out of the room, inspecting her surroundings. She makes her way down the halls with caution. Then, she finds Bucky's body.

The Russian and the American (Bucky 1940's)
FanfictionThe year is 1943, and Elizabeth Adams has been out of Hydra for a year now. Wanting to fight back Hydra for all the wrong they have done to her, she finds herself in Brooklyn New York. She ends up enlisting and becomes apart of the 107th. The cold a...