Chapter 16

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As Elizabeth is locked in the car by herself, a soldier in full on metal gear is trapped in with her. Quickly taking action, she brings her gun up to her shoulder and starts firing. But, the man blocks it. The armor is like nothing she's ever seen before. Eventually she runs out of bullets and takes cover.

The soldier fires at her with blue energy. She lets out a breath and takes out her pistol, hitting the man in the arm. She got him. There are little gaps in between the metal that gives her an opening. As she's firing, her gun ends up jamming.

"Shit!" She hisses, during for cover.

Then suddenly, the door opens and Steve tosses Elizabeth a gun. She takes it and smiles. Then, Bucky rushes and throws his body into the soldiers body. Quickly she jumps on top of the boxes and shoots the man in the next, killing him.

"I had that," Elizabeth says.

"Sure ya did doll," Bucky smiles.

Then, out of nowhere, another blast is shot at the group. They all duck and turn to see where it came from. Just as expected, another soldier comes from the room Steve and Bucky were just in. The soldier shoots again, this time missing and creating a hole in the side of the train.

"You didn't kill him?" Elizabeth barks.

"Later," Bucky reminds her.

She never understood on why Steve didn't kill. He would just hurt them and leave them for someone else to take care of. He never had a gun and Elizabeth doubted that he actually knew how to use one.

The man fires at Steve, knocking him down. Thinking quickly, Liz picks up the shield and gun and starts firing. The soldier sends a blast, sending her flying outside the car. She quickly grips onto the side rail. Then, another blast hits and right as Bucky is about to fall to his death, Elizabeth catches him. His body weight and the quick pull makes her arm pop out of it's socket. She lets out a hiss but forces herself to hold on.

"Bucky!" Steve yells, now coming over to the hole.

His eyes go wide when he sees Elizabeth holding onto the side with Bucky barely hanging on.

"Hold on! Just, just hold on!" Steve yells, reaching out his hand.

Elizabeth tries to pull Bucky up, but the movement makes the bar snap. Quickly though, she's able to force her fingers through the metal. In the process though, her skin on her finger comes off.

Grunting through the pain, she looks down to Bucky who has fear spread across his face. On Elizabeths is sorrow. She knows that she can't hold on for much longer. But, she still forces herself to pull him up. She looks to Steve who's reaching down, hand extended and tears running down his face.

The metal beneath her fingers starts to crumble and soon enough, they fall. With both of their bodies tossing and turning in the wind, they both land with a hard thud. Bucky's left arm detaches due to his arm hitting a rock. Elizabeths legs on the other hand and completely gone.

Both of them lay there in the snow. Surrounded by trees, snow, and fresh blood. Both of them with closed eyes and hearts that are barely beating.

Elizabeth shoots up with a gasp. She looks down to see a pair of short legs. They seem to be about the size of a twelve year old. She then looks to her left and sees a pair of severed legs. She then looks at her hand and see's that the flesh is back on her finger tips.

"Oh fuck," she breathes with wide eyes.

She looks around and see's Bucky. He has blood coming from his head and nose. She then looks over to his arm and see's that it's gone. On his left side, his arm is gone. Bits of loose flesh barley hang on and blood surrounds his lifeless body.

Elizabeth crawls over to him. Once she reaches him she starts to gently shake him, calling his name as she does so.

"Wake up. Wake up James. We, we have to go," she says, a single tear falling down onto his face.

Then, Bucky's eyes open and they are blood shot. Elizabeth hugs him, letting out a sigh.

"We need to get out of here," she says.

"Yo-your legs," Bucky barley gets out.

"I-it's fine," she says softly.

Then as Bucky's eyes are about to close, she genially slaps his face, telling him, "No, you have to keep your eyes open. You can't close your eyes. Ok? You understand?"

"I love you Liz," he barley says.

"No, no we aren't doing this right now! Come on," she pushes on.

She wraps Bucky's arm around her neck and tries to stand up, only to fail. She forces her self up once more but fails once more.

"Come on! Fucking bullshit!" She yells.

She looks down to Bucky who is passed out. She slams her fists on the fresh powdered snow. She's determined to get back, to get Bucky back.
She forces her self up again and this time she's able to stand but she can't stop her legs from shaking. It's like learning how walk. She forces her self to take a few steps but she quickly meets the snow.

"No, no," she sighs.

She knows that she'll be fine, but Bucky? Bucky doesn't have much longer. They need a merrical. Then, sounds of snow crunching under the pressure of boots can be heard. Elizabeth looks up to see a man in a long, brown coat walking through the snow. On either side of him are soldiers.

The soldier in the center holds up his gun and shoots her right between the eyes, making her completely drop. The soldier pick up both of the bodies and walk away. The new snow covers the old, leaving no trace of blood, making it impossible to trace their bodies. Bucky and Elizabeth are now dead, but not forgotten.

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