It's been a week and three days now. Elizabeth has gone through none stop torture. Branded, whipped, cut, shot, drugged, drowned, burned, every possible form of torture, she has endured. But she has never screamed. She never screamed and she never broke, Bucky however had.
He was new to this. He was being tortured, not to the same extant as his love though. He would be tested and drugged. He hadn't seen his teammates since he protested. A man named Dr.Zola, was the head scientist that was experimenting on him. He was scared, yes. But he was standing strong. Every time he wanted to give in, he would think of her. He would think of Elizabeth, Steve, Rebecca, and his mother.
Elizabeth is being dragged down the halls. Her beating, making her unable to walk. As her feet trail behind her, they pass the cell she was staying at. Puzzled by this, she didn't ask.
Eventually though, she was being dragged to the cell where her teammates where. The two soldiers opened up the door and threw her in. They slam the door and leave. Elizabeth tries to get up, but she only falters. Seeing this, Dum Dum walks over to her and helps her over to one of the walls.
Her clothes had been ripped off, leaving her in a bra and underwear. Seeing her bloody and beat up skin, Dugan takes off his jacket and covers her curled up body. He examines her a little bit closer, so he could see what other injury's she has.
Pulling back her hair, she had a split lip, a black eye, a gash on the side of her head, and bruises all around her face. Looking down to her legs, he sees cuts from a knife and various bruising. Her right knee cap is on the side of her leg and her left ankle has been displaced.
"Jacque, take off your belt and come support her head," Dugan commanded.
"Why?" He asks.
In his eyes, he saw the woman as a traitor. But Dugan wasn't taking no for an answer.
"If she was on their side then she wouldn't have saved you back in September. Not only that but they wouldn't beat her up like this. Now take of your belt and get the fuck over here," he commands.
Dugan had grown a liking for the girl. Seeing her in this state made him only think about how bad it was for Bucky. Pushing that aside though, he moved so Jacque could sit down. Dugan rested her head on his lap and gently woke her up.
"Liz," he gently shook her.
Her eyes flutter open and are suddenly wide with fear.
"It's ok, your ok for now. I need to set your knee and your ankle back in it's place," Dum Dum explains.
She nods in response. Dugan grabs the belt from his fellow Frenchman and puts it in her mouth.
"I don't want you to bite your tongue off," he says.
So coming around the girl, he starts with the ankle. It would be the least painful out of the two.
"On the count of three I'm going to snap it back in place. Ok?"
Elizabeth looks to him and nods.
"One, Two, Three."
SNAP! She lets out a hiss of pain. Dum Dum is taken back by this. Normally people scream and cry and arch their back, but not her. She only clenches her fists. So carrying on, he goes to her knee. She was sure to scream at this Dugan thought.
"Ok, ready?" He asks.
Once more she nods her head. He gulps and starts his count.
"One, Two."
SNAP! Once more she let out a grunt and then her body rests. She spit out the belt and rolled over onto her sigh.
"Shit fucking hurts," she sighs with a chuckle.
Still though, unable to get up, she looks around.
"Where's James?" She asks, not hiding her Russian accent any longer.
No one answers. She forces herself up, ignoring the pain. She clutches onto her side and rests her back against the wall.
"Where's Buchanan?" She asks once more.
She was the only one to call him by both James and Buchanan. Bucky hated it when other people called him Buchanan, but when it came from her mouth, it made his heart warm and fuzzy.
"They took him," the one man says.
She hadn't known his name, but he was Caucasian, blue eyes, and brown hair. He was just a normal soldier.
"What do you mean they took him?" She snaps.
"He stepped out of line. The big guy said that he was a fighter," Dugan says.
"Their testing on him! It's your fault!" Jacque snaps.
Her eyes go wide with fear and guilt.
"No, they wouldn't do that. They wanted me not him! We made a deal!" She barks.
She runs a finger through her hair and throws her head back against the bars.
"I can't get out of this cell. If I was in one of the other ones I would be able to get us out. But I can't," she sighs in defeat.
"What do you mean?" Dugan asks.
"I-I can't explain it. Not now," she sighs.
The pounding in her head and the ringing in her ears is all starting to become too much for her.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys," she apologizes, helping to get rid of the uncomfortable silence.
"Why didn't you?" Dugan asks.
"Are you being serious? I'm a Russian that worked for Nazis. I wonder why?" She says in a sarcastic tone.
"How did you get to Hydra?" He asks.
With a long sigh she answers, "as much as I hate to admit it, they saved me."
Not wanting to go on any further, the conversations drops and she closes her eyes. After about two hours or so, Elizabeth is the first to speak again.
"What did they do to you guys?" She asks.
"They've been making us build machines for them. We don't have much of a choice," Dugan answers.
Then, the door to the right of them opens and two guards come through it. Along with them, is Bucky. He's hurt and whimpering, grinding his teeth, trying not to show the pain he's in. They throw him in the cramped cell with Elizabeth. She immediately takes his side lifts his head off the dirty ground.
Clutching his head, Bucky lets out a grunt of pain.
"It's ok. It's ok. What is your name?" She asks, fearing that the worst has already happened.
"James," then he pauses. "James Buchanan Barnes," he responds short of breath.
"Good. How old are you?" She asks.
"Twenty six."
"Where are you from?" Elizabeth asks.
"Brooklyn New York."
No permanent damage has been done. Not yet at least.
"It-it hurts," Bucky whines.
"Focus on me. Focus on the sound of my voice," she commands.
Bucky opens his eyes and looks up to his girl. He's laying on his back with his head rested against her thighs.
"What happened to you?" He asks, lifting his hand to cup her face.
"I'm fine," she reassures.
In reality she wasn't, but Bucky needed her now. Elizabeth readjusts the jacket so it can cover her a little more. The two of them sat there, Elizabeth played with his hair and tried to distract his mind off of the pain. It was going to be a long night.

The Russian and the American (Bucky 1940's)
FanfictionThe year is 1943, and Elizabeth Adams has been out of Hydra for a year now. Wanting to fight back Hydra for all the wrong they have done to her, she finds herself in Brooklyn New York. She ends up enlisting and becomes apart of the 107th. The cold a...