Hospital Wing [01/09/1996] - Eleria Weasley

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"Oh, would you stay put, Mr. Crevey!" cries Madame Pomfrey in annoyance.

"But it stings!" The boy cries.

"If you don't move, it won't sting." I say as I advance on the pair.

"Yes, yes she's quite right." Madame Pomfrey exclaims, turning towards me.

"It's alright," I say, acknowledging her glance towards my nose. "One patient at a time.

Madame Pomfrey looks at me gratefully. "Yes, well, you can take one of the vacant beds in the meantime, Miss Weasley."

"Thankyou." I reply, taking a seat on the closest bed to me.

As I wait, I wonder why I was put into Slytherin. I expect that tomorrow morning when I arrive in the Great Hall for breakfast, a letter from my parents will await me.

I couldn't go to Hogwarts in the same year as Ron because I was so sick. That was the same story for the past four years as well. However, when the appliance letters for all the others arrived at Grimuld Place this summer, there was an additional letter.

I will always remember the surprised look on my mother and father's faces when they opened that letter and out fell my acceptance letter for Hogwarts. It was unexpected as I was and am 15 years old and all the other Hogwarts students were accepted at 11 years old. My excitement dimmed though when Ron and Hermione Granger came downstairs and announced they were the new Prefects. I was happy for them of course, but I really wanted to be acknowledged for my Hogwarts acceptance.

The twins found out later that night and congratulated me with pranks and jokes. They were always the best of my siblings. Even though Ron and I are twins, no one refers to us that way. Our parents always wanted a daughter but even though I came first, they always treasured Ginny more. When I fell sick, they showed more compassion towards me, but it was really the twins who helped me through. Their jokes and pranks always made me laugh. When they went off to school, I would miss them terribly but every Wednesday they would send me a letter. Sometimes they would have jokes, other were about their plans to cause chaos against Flitch or Peeves. It didn't matter the contents of the letters though, just that they thought of me.

"Well now that I have finished with that, let's have a look at your nose, dear." Madame Pomfrey say's bringing me back to the presents.

"Yes. I did set it back into place, but I thought I'd just come see you anyway." I tell her, positioning my head so that she has the best view of my nose.

"Well, you've definitely managed to put it back right. I'll just have to do a couple of spells to fully repair the nerves and stop the bleeding."

"Hit me." I say playfully.

Madame Pomfrey performs the required spells then asks, "Do you know who broke your nose, Miss Weasley?"

"Yes, but there's no need to bring them into this." I reply then add, "It was only a friendly fight", to satisfy her doubtful look.

"Alright you may go now. Straight to bed as you start your lessons tomorrow. Also, take this," She hands me a piece of parchment. "If you come across Flitch or any other teachers show them this and you'll be on your way."

I thank Madame Pomfrey then, as directed head straight down to the Slytherin common dormitories. However when I arrive, I find my belongings – thankfully packed still – and a note on the door.

Stay out of here, Blood Traitor – P.P

Coming to the conclusion that Pansy Parkinson wrote the note, I grab my things and head down into the common room. 

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