Lights flicker as spells hit and rebound. The above chandelier shakes with the rooms vibrations. A fog creeps across the room, like a snake waiting to spring on prey.
Theodore and I continue to fight against my brother and his chosen partner. When Tom called upon Theodore's father, livid rage filled Theodores expression. Obviously, Tom decided this to piss Theodore off and knock him of his game.
"Mattheo! On your left!" Theodore warns as he deflects one of my brothers curses.
I turn and send a counter spell at the one Nott sent at me. "Thanks Thedore."
The four of us continue our duel for at least another half hour. Then another Death Eater runs in form the corridor.
"Master's Malfoy and Berkshire have left with the Weasley girl." The man pants.
My brother curse's then yells. "And you let them get away, Dolophov."
"No sir. Jamson and Render are taking care of them."
"You sent those imbecile's after them""
"Yes sir."
"What were you doing then?"
"I was trapped. Malfoy -"
My brother lets out a groan of annoyance.
"What's the problem Tom?" I ask. "Things not go to plan?"
"Curcio!" Tom intends the curse for me but instead it lands on Theodore's chest, as he had pushed me out of the way.
I watch as Theodore's body convulses. Knowing how close to the heart he was hit, I run over and try to help him out of it. Painfully, I watch as the final jolt surges through Theodore and his body goes slack. His breathing remains steady but shallow.
"Theodore." I say, shacking him. "Come on."
His father approaches but I hit him with a curse that sends him flying back into the group of Death Eaters.
"Protego." I cast the spell, sheltering Theodore, then turn to face my brother. "So, what's next, Tom? Go after the other three? Call father? Kill me?"
"Crabbe. Goyle. Go take care of the runaways." Tom orders them then turns to address the crowd behind him. "This," he points to Theodore, who is still sheltered but broken. "Is what happens if you cross my father's word. And this is what happens if you cross mine." He turns to me, smirking, then say's. "Avada Kedavra."
The Weasel's Riddle
FantasíaEleria Weasley joins Hogwarts in her Fifth Year instead of her First. For five years Eleria fought a sickness that should have killed her, but instead she won over it. When she arrives at Hogwarts, she is sorted into Slytherin unlike all of her fami...