Professor Umbridge's Office, Detention [22/09/1996] - Eleria Weasley

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"Hello Miss Weasley." Umbridge says, silhouetting a pink wallpaper and plates with cats.

"Hello Professor." I say standing in the doorway.

"Well do sit." She says the adds once I am seated. "You will be using a rather special quill of mine tonight. No ink needed." She says the last bit with a small smirk.

"Thankyou." I tell her taking the quill she is providing.

"You will write the words, I will speak in a ladylike manner and use appropriate language."

"How many times?"

"Until it sinks in." The sickly smirk appearing again.


After a while my hand begins to twitch with pain. My facial expression must have given away the slight reaction I make, because Umbridge's smirk intensity's.

By the time nine o'clock comes around, my hand is raw red. I had come to the conclusion that the quill used blood instead of ink.

"Let me see your hand, please." Umbridge says.

Grudgingly, I extended my hand in her direction.

"Mhm. Very well. You may go for tonight. Just remember six pm sharp tomorrow." She says smiling and imitating a voice octave one to high.

"Yes Professor. Goodnight, Professor." I say as I stand and head towards the door.

Once I am outside and headed to the dungeons, I say to myself, "Bloody load of bullshit."

Annoyingly, Peeves the Poltergeist floats by and hears, "Little Miss Weasley you unlady like girl." He then laughs and throws other taunts which I do not hear because I begin to run.

By the time I reach the dungeons, I am slightly out of breath. Entering the Slytherin Common Room I mutter, "Fucking Stairs."

Then I am knocked on the head by something and fall to the ground.

The Slytherin Gang and their female goonies all laugh. Reading the label on the bottle, that was thrown at me, I know why.

Blood Traitor will be your blood soon.

"Ha, ha. Nice threat guys." I get up and stalk in the direction of the girls dormitories. 

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