Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom [22/09/19966] - Eleria Weasley

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The classroom has a sickly-sweet atmosphere. Everyone siting orderly in their seat reading their textbooks. Professor Umbridge sits at her desk looking like a stocky toad. She stares at us smugly and smiles when anyone creates eye contact.

"Alright everybody." Umbridge says in her sugar clandestine sweet voice. "You may stop reading now. Please put your textbooks away and get out your books and quills."

Instinctively, everyone does as she says.

"We're all bloody robots," I say to myself.

"What was that, Miss Weasley?" asks Professor Umbridge.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Come now dear. If you can say it aloud to yourself, you can share."

"Fine. I said, We're all bloody robots."

The Professor gasps. "Miss Weasley! None of that language in my class! My office six pm sharp for detention!"

"Sure." I say defiantly.

"You may join me tomorrow too because of your tone."

Finally shutting my mouth, I sit quietly slumped against mychair. 

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