Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom [02/09/1996] - Mattheo Riddle

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The classroom walls are thankfully not covered in pink. The room is still too bright. The sickening smell of tea and flowers fill the room. Professor Umbridge is one of the most annoying people I have ever met. I have to respect her though, fathers orders.

Were supposed to be reading this stupid textbook on beginners magic. The professor's reasons are ludicrous and unreasonable. Besides I can't focus on work right now.

In one year from now, father will mark me and the others Death Eaters. Serving him and his cause is what I was trained for. What we were all trained for.

Then there is this morning. When me and the other boys walked downstairs into the common room, I noticed a slumped figure on one of the couches. The others didn't though; they were too busy joking about last night.

I was joking around too, but then I noticed the figure. After a few seconds, I realized it was Weasley. The only reason I didn't is that Pansy and Daphanie ran down into the common room boasting about how they had cucked her stuff out and told her not to come into the dormitory. Also, she looked sort of peaceful, which is stupid of course.

"Mr Riddle! I asked you what the answer to question three is." A woman calls angrily.

"I am sorry, what question?" I ask genuinely.

Professor Umbridge them repeats the question which I answer easily. 

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