Malfoy Mannor, Living Room [21/10/1996] - Theodore Nott

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The air shimmers with green light as the flames from the Floo disappears. The hands on my watch chime the twelve hour, signalling the new day.

"Mattheo what do we do now?" asks Lorenzo.

"We wait and keep Eleria from my brother and father." Mattheo turns from the mantelpiece and towards the rooms entrance.

I turn to face the others who are looking after Mattheo.

"He's grown feelings for Weasley." I sate.

"Yes. And Tom is not helping." Draco counters, following his cousins discarded trail. "The least we can do is protect the girl."

The four of us walk, lingering un the entrance corridor of the Mannor, for Tom to arrive. The paintings on the walls watching us.

Suddenly, a door creaks form our right.

"Theodore?" call's a man's voice.

Turning towards the man, I greet, "Hello Father."

"What are you doing here at this hour."

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Answer me,"

"Tom been around?"

"No. Answer me." My father repeats.

"You're a terrible liar, Father."

"As what? Compared to you?"
"What do you mean?" I ask, stepping towards my father.

"You and Lorenzo. Eh?'

"What are you implying?"
"The two of you enjoy each other's presence, do you not?"

"Well," I begin. "Friends are supposed to enjoy the others presence."

"I suppose."

"Father –" I am interrupted.

"Well, good evening, gentleman." Patronises my interrupter.

I face them. "Where the hell is she?"

"Who do you mean?' askes Mattheo's older brother, Tom.

"You know."

"No. I believe I do not."

"Oh, don't patronise me Riddle."

"Nor you to me."

I advance on Tom who glares down on me.

"Tell me where she is." I growl.

"I am afraid I don't know who you speak of. Now If you will excuse me." Tom then turns on his heal and progresses down the hall.

"What the bloody hell wat that about, Theodore?" asks my father.

"Fuck off."

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