Slytherin Common Room, Flint's Party [20/10/1996] - Mattheo Riddle

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Green lights blare through the common room. Loud music pumps; the beats shacking the chandelier in the centre of the celling. Partygoers dance, drink, and play. A third of the group is dancing, a third standing, talking, and getting drunk. The final third is participating in various games.

"Hey Mattheo!" calls who I assume to be Daphanie. "Come play spin the bottle with us!"

Accepting the invitation, I walk over to join Daphanie and my other friends.

"So, are we going to play normal spin the bottle or spin the bottle cross truth or dare?" Pansy askes.

The majority of the group choses the latter – I was not included in the preferment of the hybrid version.

"Lorenzo, truth or dare?" asks Pansy.

"Truth." He replies.

"Do you have feelings for anyone within the group?"

"Yes." Lorenzo murmurs. "Okay. Daphanie, truth or dare?"

Daphanie contemplates her options for a moment then says, "Dare."

"I dare you," Lorenzo then pauses, to create suspense. "To spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on."

"Okay." Daphanie then spins the bottle, and I stops on me. She then looks at Lorenzo, who nods.

"Are we doing it here or elsewhere?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"Here's fine." Daphanie replies, standing up and moving to where I sit.

She then leans forwards and kisses me. The taste of alcohol subtle on her breath. Knowing that the kiss should not go further, I pull away after a few seconds.

Daphanie stands, winks at me, then returns to her original seat.

We play a few more rounds and then the girls decide their going to dance. Lorenzo and Theodore go over to talk to Flint and Zabani about Quidditch. And Draco leaves to spark a conversation with Daphanie's younger sister, Astoria.

Deciding not to look like a loner, I walk over to one of the table where red Solo cups are displayed in a diamond sort of shape and filled with come alcoholic beverage.

I snatch up a cup and begin to drink when a Slytherin – who must be in my brothers year – comes over to me.

"So," The boy starts. "You enjoying the party?"

"Sort of." I turn to face him. "Sorry, who are you?"

"Evan Rosier. I am in the same year as your brother. Also, I was asked to give you this."

Rosier then hands me a letter. Only my name is written on either side of the envelope.

"Rosier, do you know who gave you this?"

"Yes, but they asked to stay anonymous."

"Okay." I say, pocketing the letter. "I'll read it later. Anyway it was nice talking to you by I have to go."

"No problem. See you around, Riddle."

I then leave, unsure of where I am headed.

After a few hours I head up to the dormitory I share with, Draco, Lorenzo, and Theodore. Just as I am about to drift off, I get poked by the letter Rosier gave me earlier.

They asked to stay anonymous.

Curiosity takes oversleep and I prise open the envelope. Inside is two letter.

One with messy scribbled writing. The other neat and formed.

I first read the messier writing.

Mattheo, I am sorry for how I reacted earlier. I should have handled it better. But

I need your help. Tom kn

The letter cuts off midsentence. I then read the other.

Dear Brother, I have completed the task which father has set and intend to deliver

Miss Weasley to him in the morning. You can join me, and we will both be given the

apprisel, we deserve or Eleria will die trying to escape. I will be at the Mannor tomorrow

- Tom

"Shit." I curse, as I hurry downstairs to find the other boy's. 

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