Hogwarts Library [20/10/1996] - Eleria Weasley

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The library is quiet and tranquil. The shelves stacked high with books. Flames flicker in brackets. The table, which I am now seated at, is lower set than the others but positioned on an elevated platform.

"Miss Weasley." Inquires the school's librarian, Madame Pince.

"Yes, Miss?" I reply.

"Mister Riddle has requested to see you." She turns to leave.

"If I may, why did you come to me?"

"I was unsure if you wanted company and thought I would see."

"Thank you, Madame Pince."

"Of course, Miss Weasley."

The librarian then leaves me to gather my things and met Riddle – which one I do not know.

Upon entering the Library's entrance, I see not one but both of the Riddle brothers. They are arguing about something. Mattheo's face bearing anger; Tom's annoyance.

"Hey guys." I wave in their direction.

The brothers pause their argument and look towards me.

"Hello Eleria." Greets Tom.

"Weasley." Mattheo says with a subtle nod.

"Madame Pince said that one of you needed me. But she didn't say which one."

"That would be my brother." Tom answers. "I merely saw him on my way to the History section. Which I must go to now all I have study to complete."

"Alright. See you around, Tom." I say as he walks away. Turning to Mattheo I ask, "How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with my Potions homework."

"The Mattheo Riddle is requesting my help?" I say in a mocking tone.

"You know what, never mind."

"I am just messing with you, Riddle. If you need help, I would be happy to assist you."


"Where would you like to study?"

"I was thinking maybe the Astronomy Tower. It's quiet there."

"Of course. Do you need anything?"

"Let's go then."

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