Astronomy Tower, Staircase [20/10/1996] - Mattheo Riddle

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"He gave you and Tom a task, didn't he?" Eleria asks.

"Yes." I mutter.

"What for?" She asks timidly.

"To bring the oldest Weasley girl to him." I recite my father's words. "I am not going to though, I promise."

Eleria looks at me stunted and with tears in her eyes.

"I promise." I repeat.

"H-how can I know you're telling the truth?"

Sighing, I say, "I don't know. But I will protect you if Tin decides to break the deal he and I made."

"What deal?'

"I made him promise that he will not go through with fathers orders."

"What does he get in return?"


The single word seams to shock Eleria and when I start to reach out a hand, in an attempt to comfort her, she turns and runs.

Skipping two stairs at a time, I run after her.

"Eleria!" I call as I watch her ginger hair, which had been scooped up into a ponytail, disappear around the corner of the staircase's entrance.

"Wait! Please!" I stop knowing it is no use to keep chasing her. "Fuck."

"What happened this time?" asks Draco, who is flanked by Theodore and Lorenzo.

"My father." I growl turning to my friends.

"Flint said he's throwing a party int the common room tonight." Theodore says, trying to divert to another subject.

"Yeah. We were planning to go, and it would be a way to clear your mind." Lorenzo adds.

"Yeah. Okay." I turn and start towards the Slytherin common room. 

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