Hospital Wing [21/10/1996] - Lorenzo Berkshire

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The cold sterile ward is where Eleria, Draco and I now reside. Madame Pomfrey healing our wounds was we relate our stories to Professor's Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape.

"I apparated us out of the grounds. We landed near the Hogshead Pub. Then Draco woke up and we made our way here." I tell the Professor's.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Weasley, is what Mr Berkshire saying true?" asks Professor Dumbledore.

"Yes, Professor." Both Draco and Eleria confirm together.

"Very well the. And Mr Riddle and Mr Norr are still at the Manor?" Dumbledore questions us.

"Yes, sir." I say, then notice a sound from the hall. "One moment please Professor. I just need to check something."

"Of course, Mr Berkshire."

"I'll come with you." Eleria take part at my side and we both exit the Hospital Wing and enter the hall.

An agonised groan draws our attention from the end of the hall.

"What was that? And what are we doing here, Lorenzo?" she asks.

"Mattheo. Theodore." I run to where the groaning stemmed from, Eleria following.

Sure enough we find the pair. Theodore subconscious and trying to support Mattheo who has a blade in his shoulder.

"The hell happened?" o ask

"Riddles." Scoffs Theodore, as I help Eleria gain control of Mattheo.

"Do you have him, or do you need help?" I ask.

"No. I've got him. you help Theodore." She replies, her voice soft with worry. "Okay." I turn to Theodore. "You good?"

"Well, getting hit close to the heart with the torture curse doesn't help."

"Jesus, Theo."

"Yeah, well. Tom shot the murder one at Mattheo, so yeah."

"What happed to Tom?"

"Mattheo killed him. Then their mother threw a dagger at Mattheo."

"Right. Come on."

I help Theodore after Mattheo and Eleria to the Hospital Wing. Where there are countless more questions and medical help given.   

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