Great Hall [02/09/1996] - Tom Riddle

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"Now, some of you, may or may not have noticed that we have a new student wandering the grounds today." Said Dumbledore pausing to let the low chatters and murmurs roll over. "This student has transferred from Durmstrang, a school some will remember attended the Triwizard Tournament the year before this. However, the student did not attend hence puzzled faces. So, Professor McGonagall will now bring them in along with the Sorting Hat."

The chamber I was posted in is warmer than the dungeons, but not as warm as the Great Hall, which I have now entered.

"Some of you may recognise this young man's face. But for those who do not. This is, Tom Rille." Stated Dumbledore.

Gasps and cries erupted from the students. Looks of horror, confusion and pain filled some faces. Especially, I noticed, the youngest Weasley daughter, who sat, pale, in between Potter and Granger,

"Master Riddle is not to be confused with his father, despite the stifling resemblance they share." Dumbledore started, again whispers washed through the hall. "Well professor McGonagall."

The professor than placed the Sorting Hat upon my head. Before he took in the thought of my house, the hat sung the song which he likely played the night before.

By the time the hat had concluded the last verse, my feat had begun gone numb from standing, and my head hurt from the movements the hat took.

"Now, time to decided where you belong." Said the hat sounding slightly inquisitive.

"If you do not sort me to Slytherin, like my father and brother, I will destroy you with the simplest of spell." I growled, threateningly.

"Hmm, the courage of a Gryffindor is certainly there, but I can tell. For you belong with your blood." The Hit paused for a second the yelled, "SLYTHERIN!'

Professor McGonagall the removed the hat from my head and Dumbledore dismissed me by saying, "You may now go join your fellow Slytherins. And good luck during your sixth year."

As I dismounted the platform and started towards the Slytherin table – which had begun to clap – many students whispered.

When I passed the section of the table that sat the fifth years – I could tell because of my brother's death glares – I noticed a ginger-heard girl in a slightly tacky uniform. Recognising that this must be the Weasley girl, I winked in her direction.

She must have noticed because she too, glare at me as cold as an iced dagger.

Upon taking my seat, I was hit by a ball of parchment. Unfolding the sphere I came across the contents.

What the hell, Tom?! If I found out that you came here to do the Dark Lords dirty work or to watch over the school for and opportunity, I will kill you myself. – M.

I chuckled softly, knowing that this was my brothers work. Usually, one would refer to me as Riddle or Master Riddle. So, it did not take long to conclude that the letter was form Mattheo. The next time, my brother and I locked eyes I mouthed, 'Good to see you too, Brother'. To which he replied with a sneer. 

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