Hogwarts Library [27/09/1996] - Mattheo Riddle

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The library is quiet and still. The shelves of books span from floor to ceiling. Spinal covers stand tall and covered. Names printed in either silver or gold, some peeling, some non-existent. Mahogany tables line one wall. Candelabra's fixed to pillars casting shadowy light. Whispers of wind flow through the room.

I sit at the table furthest form the entrance. Half reading over my Transfiguration textbook, half thing about various topics. My brother and father, schoolwork, and my friends. There is also a little part of my brain that trail's to an image of Eleria Weasley's face.

A black-blue bruise covers her left eye. I then remember the fleeting interaction I had with her earlier.

Theodore, Lorenzo, Draco, and I were walking in the direction of the grounds and saw her. She was standing by herself leaned against one of the pillars surrounding the courtyard, her scared hand on her eye. I started toward her, but she saw me approaching and smiled then ran.

All of my friends and I stood there for a minute. Then Draco cursed.

"What?" I had asked him.

"Last night, when you guys were parting, I left and went downstairs into the common room." He said then paused.

"Go on." Theodore had prompted.

"Well, we talked for a bit. About family and how she got the scars on her hand – I'll tell you later." He added the last bit because of Lorenzo's questioning look. "Then I walked her back to the dorm. She was nervous because Pansy and the other girls wanted to talk in private. I should have known to stick around until she was settled. The room was far too quiet."

"Okay." I had said, processing the information.

Now I sit here in a silent library in my thoughts. Then there is a rustling of school robes.

"Who's there?" I ask, grabbing my wand. "I am armed."

"I know." Whispers the voice.

It is a girls voice. Pained slightly.

Deciding to follow the voice, I walk behind the bookcase to my left. A hooded figure stands there. Shoulders slumped, clothes barely fitting.

"Hey Mattheo." The girl says.

I, however, do not let her say anything further as I run and push them into the wall. Then I throw the hood off, and red hair falls down over pale blue eyes.

"Eleria ..." I say, letting go of her. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"To warn you to watch your back."



"The hell is my brother up to?"
"I don't know. Bu he's been sending letter to Malfoy Mannor using Draco's owl."

"Shit." I curse.

"What?" Eleria askes, worried.

"Less than a month and he's already plotting murder."

"What? Who's plotting murder?"


Now she curse's. "Well I guess we've all got to watch our backs."


"Okay. Well I had better go." She begins to walk away but I garb her hand.

"Thank you, Eleria."

"No problem, Mattheo."

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