Hogwarts Library [09/09/1996] - Eleria Weasley

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I has been a week now since the oldest Riddle son arrived. At first, unease spread through the school like wildfire. For now Hogwarts housed the boys of the darkest wizard known. However, by this point all had settled and little worries were felt.

Ginny, my brothers Potter, and Granger have all been concerned since the start. This is understandable because of what happened two years ago. But Mattheo must have not worried them even though he bore his father's birth name. Then when Tom arrived, looking just as both Ginny and Harry had depicted his father, all of them have been showing a newfound concern.

I have never paid neither the Slytherins nor the Gryffindor's any attention as I have been focused on my studies. I am slightly behind due to, y late admission but am catching up quickly as there were similar simpler spells that I have learnt previously. The teachers aren't worried year as I still have a while before the O.W. L's. By the time I reach my N.E.W.T.S in the seventh year I should be up to standards.

Only Professor Umbridge has given me any trouble. Earlier she asked for me to come to the front of the class.

"So Miss Weasley, I was wondering if you would share with myself and your fellow students why you have joined this far into your schooling?" she had asked me Infront of both the classes of Slytherin and Gryffindor.

I stood there for a minute taking in what she has just asked of me. Once I realise what she had said, I glanced over to Ron. Of all people, I would have thought that my twin brother would have assisted to backed me up. But no. He sat there pretending to read his book.

"Ronald?" I had asked him, my throat closing over.

"Well Miss Weasley? Are you going to answer my question or am I going to have to give you a detention?" Professor Umbridge requested yet again.

"Umm... I'm sorry, but if the Head Professors have not disclosed the information you are requesting, I am not going to share." I said, my throat still stuck.

"Tut-tut. Well, I do not see the problem with you sharing."

"I do though, respectively."

A snigger had made sound from who I know was Theodore Nott.

"Come on Weasel! Share the story!" Lorenzo Berkshire had added.

"Yeah! Come on!" Draco Malfoy had called.

Laughter of mockery had erupted form Pansy Parkinson and Daphanie Greengrass. Only, Mattheo did not respond.

"I see we have some eager students, Miss Weasley. So go on." Umbridge had said in a voice so cruel yet so sweet.

Feeling humiliated and betrayed I had ran, leaving my book discarded on my table, straight to the door fleeing the room.

After a while I must have dozed off because I was suddenly knocked on the head by something hard.

"Oi Weasel! Wake up!" A voice whisper called.

Slowly coming to my sense I reach a hand to where I was struck.

"Thanks for the headache, asshole."

"Welcome, traitor." The voice, I now saw belonged to Mattheo Riddle. "Anyway, you left this. Bye."

He then dropped my textbook on the table which caused him to get scolded by Madame Pince.

"Thanks." I mumble as Riddle walks off. "Wait. How did you know I was in the library?"

"A guess. Also, not that I care, but your brothers a total arse."

"Yeah. Yeah, he is. Well, thanks again. But shouldn't you be at dinner with the others?"

"Shouldn't you?"

"Not going."

"Cool." He then walked off and I lost sight of him as the tuned tight, behind a bookshelf.

Gathering my stuff. I realise that the only way Ron would actually hurt for me like a twin, would be if I died. Then again, I almost did die, and he didn't even say 'Hi'.

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