Malfoy Mannor, Entrance Corridor [21/10/1196] - Lorenzo Berkshire

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As Darco and I aide Eleria into the corridor that connects every room to the outside, we find ourselves in the company of a trio of Death Eaters.

"Where do you think you're going?" The surliest of them asks.

"What does it matter to you?" retaliates Draco.

"The girl is Master Riddle's property." The tallest counters.

"Riddles property" scoffs Draco. "Yeah right."

"Draco." I warn, shifting Eleria's weight to my shoulder.

"Lorenzo ..." whispers Eleria.

"Quiet please." I whisper back.

"So, Malfoy. Challenging us?" growls the other Death Eater.

"Can you believe it, Dolophov." Draco begins advancing on him.

"How dare you lace my name with that tone." Spits who I now know to be Dolophov.

"You wanna fight, boy?" chimes in the original Death Eater.

"Do you?" challenges Draco.

"You're gonna get us killed Draco!" I yell.

"Take Eleria and get out."

"That wasn't the plan."

"I'll meet you back home."

Home. The one place we can all just be normal teenagers. Have freedom and fun. Hogwarts is home.

"Fine." I start to help Eleria in the way of the door.

"Janson! Render! Don't let them escape!" cries Dolophov as he takes on Draco.

"Can you fight?" I whisper.

"Tom took my wand." Eleria says.

"Well that's that then." I look around the corridor then tell her. "You've to run."

"What?" she cries.

"Go Eleria. Draco and I will meet you outside. I promise."

She looks at me doubt in every part of ger face.

"Go." I reinstate.

Eleria looks at me, about to object, but then she turns and runs just as I told her to.

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