Astronomy Tower [10/10/1996] - Theodore Nott

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The gale winds blow at the tall tower walls. Star's lay peppered through the pitch, black sky. Whispers of memories and words float through the air.

You're an unfocused, disgrace of a son.

My father had written in a letter addressed to my name nights before. Now, it is strangled in the palm of my left hand; my right supporting a lit match.

You disappoint me, Theodore. And you're in no fit shape to be a Death Eater.

Father had used these 15 words, which were now imprinted in my brain, as his closing line.

Shakely, I bring the flame of the match to the letter. The parchment burns like kindling in a fire's hearth. Quick and bright.

Ashes float along the breeze and out of the Astronomy Tower.

The, I produce a bottle and my wand from my robe. Holding my wand close to my temple, I concentrate hard on the first memory that I have decided to rid my consciousness from. Once the connection is powerful enough, I give it a gentle tug then lower the memory into the bottle.

I have two more memories I want to remove, so I grab a bottle for each.

Just as I finish depositing the third memory, a voice speaks up.

"Were they painful?" asks the voice, the location somewhere behind me.

"Probably. There gone now though." I say, turning to my acquaintance.

"I am sorry, Theodore." Mumbles the girl I now face.

"Don't sweat it, Eleria."

I watch her for a minute; the wind blowing strands of escaped ginger hair from her messy bun. Then I ask, "Can I tell you something?"

"sure. I won't tell anyone."

Thanks." I then walk over to the railing behind Eleria. "So, this is probably gonna make me look like a fool."

"I won't judge you."

"Okay." I pause, inhaling slowly. "I think I may like Lorenzo."

"Go. I hope so."

My sigh is what cause's her to connect the dots.

"Oh. Okay." She says slowly, joining me. "Well that's great." Eleria then slaps herself on the head,

"What was that for?" I ask, alarmed.

"Because I probably sounded like a judgemental, sarcastic git."

Laughing I reply, "Eh, it's okay."

"But seriously, Theodore. If you genuinely have feelings for Lorenzo, then just tell him."

"And if I am too much of coward?"

"Then I'll tell him."

Instinctively, I grab her wrists and growl, "Don't you dare tell him, Weasel."

"Okay." She winces. "Now could you either loosen your grip or unhand me?"
"Right. Sorry." I say, releasing her wrist.

"It's alright." Eleria says. Genuine concerns prominent in her blue eyes.

"I just. I guess I am never good enough for anyone and I am just used to the old way. The ways I was raised."

"I know. All of you were."

"How come you're so different? I mean we've all been complete arseholes to you, and yet your still kind to us!"

"I believe it's because I have had to raise myself for the most part of my life."

"Wait, but isn't your family like literal saints?"

"Maybe for the others, bout not me." She turns from me and looks out at the trees silhouetted against the sly. "The reason I haven't been at Hogwarts, or any school, for the past few years is because of my illness."

"We know that already though, Eleria."

"Yes, but what you don't know is that I had a severe case of Dragon Pox. It should have killed me, but I was determined to fight it. And I did. I had hoped that I would finally receive the equivalent amount of love as my siblings, but I was still shunted. Then, I got my acceptance letter. I remember I was so happy, but of course, Ron and Hermione came downstairs gleaming about their Prefect positions. So, again I was pushed to the side. Cast away."

"I am sorry, Eleria."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"Yes, I do. All the teasing, the pranks, the torture, I executed."

"It was a collective effort."

"I was still part of it though!"

"I know, Theodore. That's why I forgave all of you."

"Wait, what?"

"I know what the standard is set for you and the others. All the pain, pressure, persistence, to be prefect. You experienced the same troubles I have, if not worse."

I don't know why, but the next thing I know, I hold Eleria in an embrace. "Thank you, Eleria."

"It's alright." As I release her, she adds, "Now we probably should leave this tower before trouble arrives."

"Yeah. Although we should go separately." Then I add, "To avoid rumours and shit."

"Yeah. Well I'll go first. Goodnight, Theodore."

"Night, Eleria."

She then advances down the stairs of the tower.

I wait for a couple of minutes, then gather the bottles containing my discarded memories and follow Eleria's footsteps.

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