Epilogue 1: The past & New beginnings

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( Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from The beginning after the end their all owned by TurtleMe also the way I got my inspiration for this story was by reading A-NormalGuy's book TBATE A New God so go check that out when you can )

Chapter 1 New Beginnings

3rd pov


In South Korea, There's a car that driving on the road that's seen to have four people in it which are the Jin family who is just coming back from the movies after seeing a new movie.

(Huo jin)"so everyone how was the movie was it awsome or what" he said with a smile that made his wife and son smile

(jin Hajoon)" It was awsome dad I can't wait to go to the movies again isnt that right Keho!"

A 11 year old Hajoon said with pure glee while looking over at his sister was asleep and not even paying attention. His younger sister by one year Keho is a little shorter than him but inherited thier hair that's brown but has their mothers eyes.

And even though Hajoon is very mature for his age he still acts like a child because he was bullied for acting like and adult by others.

(Kaisa jin)" ara ara my looks like she fell asleep" Hajoons mother said with a smile his mother Kaisa Jin was a women who was at the avergae hieght of 165.1 cenimeters and has long black hair with a pair of blue eyes

(Hajoon)" Well anyways it was a great movie isnt tat right dad"

(Huo jin)" Darn right bud cant wait to see the second movie" he said while ruffling Hajoons hair with his right hand. His dad Huo Jin is a rather tall man with a height of 182 cenimeters with short brown hair with green eyes

(Kaisa Jin) " well anyway its getting quit late honey and it's raining quit a bit so we should slow down a bit" she said a bit worried of how bad the rain was getting while they were driving

(Huo Jin)" ok honey your the boss" he said while slowing down while in the process waking up their daughter

(Keho Jin)"|yawns| what happened whats going on?" she said while rubbing her eyes with a bit a saliva swinging from her mouth

(Kaisa Jin) "oh look who's awake. hello princess how was your nap" she said while petting her head

(Keho Jin)"Yea it was good are we home yet?" she asked with a tilit of her head

(Huo Jin)" yes sweete we are almost thei-"

Just as Huo said that the family saw a Semi Truck right next to them then and before anything could Hajoon warped his arms around his sister to protect her. Then the next moment they knew the car was rolling on the ground and crashed into the side of a of a building breaking part of its structure.

(Huo Jin )" HAJOON , KEHO ARE YOU TWO OK" Huo said while immediatly look behind him to see if his children are ok

(Hajoon jin)"|Grunts in pain| Yea dad Were both fine"he said while being in imense pain but only being able to feel a little of it because of the adrenaline running throught his body

Huo jin looked and saw them and thanked god that they were alright but then he looked over at his wife and his eyes widened in horrer.

His wife was impailed by a iron rod but instead of his wife looking at the rod in horrer she looked at him with wide eyes. He didnt know why she was looking at him like that until he saw his lower half that had and entire left partof his leg crushed.

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