Chapter 21: Allies

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Daewi pov

"hmm" I groaned as I opened my eyes to see that I was no longer on the ground in the opening After my fight with the Monster but instead in a curtained-off area while being on a bed 'I wonder what happened after I killed that guy plus where's Zenith. Hey Zenith where are you ' thought before calling for Zenith only for him not to respond " 'Sigh' Must be asleep" I said to myself as I sat up on my bed only to see a young woman with curly brown hair and squirrel ears and a tail with round glasses push my curtain aside only to stare at me with wide eyes " Oh my goodness you're awake!" she said as she speed walked over to my right and looked at me before talking

" Could I ask you to lay back down on the bed you've been asleep for 2 days and I want to check if you're good enough to be walking around" she said making me go wide-eyed "Wait 2 days arg!" I groaned clutching my chest while falling back "Are you okay!" the Nurse asked as I nodded "Yeah I'm just a bit sore that's all" I said as she nodded " My name is Lia and I'm the assistant nurse here at the Village and well this is kinda exciting for me right now" she said smiling making me confused " wait why?" I asked as she only looked at me " Well because you're the first Surface dweller that I'm taking care of " she said as I nodded before she talked again " But I will say do all Elfs or humans have wings like you" she asked pointing behind me making me confused " What do you mean wings I don't have gahhh!" I yelled jumping up as soon as I saw a pair of wings on my back " Wha- WHat are these doing on me!" I yelled while shaking my body back and forth making myself dizzy before I stopped and felt something on my head which I then touched and felt something hard making me go wide-eyed. " Um do you mind If I use a Mirror around here" I asked my voice shaking a bit as Lia nodded as she took out a body-sized mirror on wheels and put it in front of me

When I looked in the mirror what I saw surprised me because what was revealed was that my hair how now turned completely Dark blue while my eyes were now a bright yellow/gold color but what made my mouth drop was how I saw that I now had both horns and wings with my horns shooting out of right above my ears and then curving up while my wings still looked like they were developing. but what I also saw was how they were both mostly Dark blue and a bit of black but also had golden marks on them.

" Woah," I said as I continued to stare at my new body parts " Is this because of my awakening?" I asked myself as I then walked over to my bed and lay down " Are you done examining yourself" she asked as I gave her a thumbs up as she then nodded and got to work of healing me while checking If I had anything wrong with me.


It was a couple of hours after the check-up and I was told by Lia that I was able to go outside so but when I tried putting my shirt on it felt uncomfortable so Lia gave me a shirt with wings holes that she made when she first saw my wings knowing I would need one so I thanked her put it on and went walking out of my room and when I did I was in a hallway and used some sound Vibrations to know where I was going and after a minute o walking I made it outside the building I walked around and made it to where I tried sensing Zenith's mana but couldn't so I continued walking around until I got to what looked to be the town square cause there was a statue of a stone Beastmen in Armor "huh well that looks cool" I said to my self before hearing someone behind me " Um excuse me?" I heard from behind me making me turn around to see a black cat beast-men " Um yes can I help you?" I responded " Yes are you perhaps Adventurer Jade by any chance" he asked making me surprised 'How'd he know it was me I'm sure that no one should know who I am because of my change in appearance!' I thought before I heard the person laugh" Haha you're probably wondering how I know that it's you even though you changed right" he asked as I nodded

" Well we Beastmen do have sensitive noses so It wasn't all that hard to figure out it was you because your hasn't changed that much," he said making me facepalm at how I couldn't figure that out from them having animal-like skill. " Well besides all that It's nice to meet you Adventurer Jade my name's Evo and I'm the Vice-captain or next in command after Captain Ella," he said putting out his hand making me put out mine to shake his " It's nice to meet you too but you can just call me Daewi like my other close friends," I said as he nodded before looking at a tower near us which had a giant clock on it " Welp looks like I have to get going Daewi oh and also your allowed to leave if you want to but make sure to not draw attention," he said as he started walking away but then stopped a few feet away " Oh and one last thing after the battle your bond fell asleep so we had to move him to the Large stable over on the large hill over there that's were you'll find him" he said pointing at a hill with a building on it before running off somewhere. " The stables huh" I said to myself as I looked around to see where he pointed to to see a large stable on top of a huge hill " 'sigh' this is gonna take a while" I then started to run without anything because I was still recovering.

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