Chapter 13: Aura

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As I woke up from my sleep I got up from my bed and started my day by doing some stretches and walking out the door and down the hallway all the way to the training area where iI would train Arthur, Eris, and Tessia after they train with Virion but just then as I thought about him he showed 

" Hey Brat no. 2 how's it going" he said cheerfully as I just sighed and greeted him before he looked at me and told me something out of nowhere " Hey kid why didn't you tell me you were a beast tamer?" he asked as I was confused " Huh what are you talking about?" I asked as he explained how he sensed a beast will inside of me but couldn't exactly tell what it was.

" So you saying I have a beast will somehow for my entire life yet I never noticed this until now?" I asked clearly confused " Yes Like I said with Arthur since I am a Beast tamer I can sense other beast wills and both you and Arthur have one but yours is a bit different because instead of destroying your body or doing anything bad to you it seems like its trying to help you which is mind-boggling" Viron answered back clearly confused as well.

Just then I and Virion heard a yell come from Arthurs's room "GAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" after the scream we both started laughing our asses off "HAHAHAHAHAH". " I wonder who woke him up!" Virion said while rolling on the ground " Idk but I'm thankful to them for fully waking me up now," I said now fully feeling awake.

/Tiny-Time skip/

I was now standing in the middle of the courtyard doing some hand-stand push-ups but then noticed that Arthur, Eris, And Tessia were just now walking into the courtyard so I just front-flipped, landed, and started walking towards them. And I noticed that Arthur looked a bit tired so I decided to make fun of him a bit.

" So who was the one who so gently woke you up today, Arthur? " I asked " 'Yawn' shut up," he said walking past me and punching my elbow making me laugh. " Let me guess was it Eris? " I asked the two princesses who were walking toward me " Yeah you know how he is I bet even an explosion couldn't wake him up," Eris said chuckling while Tessia was sweating a bit so after Eris left I asked her what she did. " So Tessa what did Eris do for him to yell that loud?" I asked making Tessia shiver at the mention " You don't want to know" she said looking like she just got back from war.

"Ahem well anyways Now that you are all here what I need to do first is explain the basics so first why don't you all take a seat first" I said making the three of them sit down in front of me while Virion was sitting at a table while drinking some tea. " Ok so do any of you know the main reason why I want to teach any of this to you three?" I questioned. Tessia just then raised her hand. " Is it for us to be more powerful?" I shook my head at her answer " That is correct but not fully because that's only a part of the awsner. anyone else." Eris then raised her hand. " Is it for us to be more unpredictable for enemies to face?" she said, " Just like Tessia that is only a part of the answer but you all are getting there now let's see what Arthur thinks," I said facing Arthur who was thinking.

" Is it because if our magic runs out we will have something else to rely on." he said making me clap my hands together. " there you go but that's not the answer but good guess Arthur" I then patted his head making him sulk and walked away from them. " Just like Arthur said was the answer but it was a bit off because the reason I'm teaching you this is that in some fights you'll be forced to not use mana at all and so this is for you to learn how to not use it at all just like I did with Elder Virion" I explained to them making them nod their heads as they finally got it.

" But wait why would we need to use our fists or weapons when we have the magic it's much more efficient," Tessia said back to me making Eris shake her head. so I decided to make a point. " Tessia let me tell you something a Mindset like that will only hold you back because if you only focus on one thing in your life you'll never be able to see everything else that you're missing before it's too late. Now take my siblings for example um well you don't know them but I'll talk about them anyway." I stopped to catch my breath then continued "The youngest of my older siblings is named Ceaya and she's an elf and a water conjure but even though she's a long-range fighter she chose to be able to fight with her body and use it as a weapon. and because of that, she's almost as strong as I am when I'm using half of my power." I said rubbing the back of my neck remembering the times we spared. " But anyway just like how you'll eventually learn to do the exact opposite when you reach high core level I'm going to teach you early so you guys better get ready 'cause I'm gonna put you through the ringer." I then stood up and took out some small weights but before I caould say anything Eris asked me somthing.

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