Procrastination, accomplishment

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Disposable plates were a good investment. Of course he had real dishes and plates, but it was good for today at least, not to have to worry about cleaning plates. Less dishes to deal with on a tuesday. He could also just have leftovers tonight, if he felt like eating too, because he had definitely not eaten the whole pizza. Despite very much thinking about it. Today was going fine for the robot. He was still vaguely emotionally exhausted, as he usually was on the days following... Days like that. But his start to the day was calm, at least. He decided to clean up his room properly today, really needing to actually fix the state of it. He started with actually turning the light on, so he wouldn't end up wallowing in the dark again. Second, the clothes. A few stray socks, a shirt, some sweatpants, and his discarded hoodie from yesterday.

Maybe he should invest in a clothing hamper finally or something. Probably not, but it was still a thought. For now though, the clothes ended up on the laundry room floor.

There wasn't really much other mess in the room, other than discarded papers, much like the living room a few days ago, and of course the pillow he had thrown yesterday, which he promptly placed back where it belonged, before picking up the random paper scraps, dumping them in the currently empty bin that he had emptied several weeks prior during the last time he tried to clean. Well, compared to that time, this was going much better.

It wasn't exactly 'messy', just... Hard to clean. It could've been worse, really, but MePhone was thankful it wasn't.

Eventually, all that was left was tidying his bed for real now. MePhone kept his hands on his hips, really thinking about it as he looked. It was a mental hurdle, really. Just the thought of having to do this task alone weighed him down a lot, and he couldn't understand.

But at least usually with things like that, he'll feel accomplished when he's actually done it.

He just needed the motivation first.

But first, what if he sorted his clothes or something instead? He didn't exactly have anywhere else to be, or anything else to do routine-wise. So instead of the one last task he needed to actually be doing, he made his way to his closet. He didn't even care about his clothes and stuff being sorted, he just... Would rather be doing anything else than actually making his bed. So that's what he did. He didn't need to make it too neat, it never was, just a slow, very slow task he could mess around with.

Until he was done with it, meaning now he really didn't have any more excuses, glancing back at the still unmade bed.

He turned fully to face it with a sigh, his hands on his sides.

And that's how he found himself back in the living room instead. He could do that later, surely. He didn't have anything on his usual routine to do today anyways, since he had done his plant stuff yesterday. A messy bed wasn't going to kill him, anyways! It wasn't even... Necessary, anyways. Not for now, at least.

The only other thing he really needed to do-- and it wasn't even really a need, just... Well honestly, more of a hope, was to try to talk to his neighbor again soon or something. Not today of course, he was still too emotionally exhausted for ANY kind of interaction with anyone else,  and maybe not even tomorrow either, but... It was a nice thought. He... Seemed nice enough, and he had kids, so there was even more of a doubt that he'd secretly be a shitty person or something... Even if sometimes that didn't even mean anything-- But...

MePhone just wanted to be hopeful about something. That hope felt childish, but... He allowed himself to feel it for once. It wasn't like there was anyone else left in his life who could judge him for it, anyways. He'd try to talk to him again or something soon, because really, the thought of trying to... Be better again was becoming more appealing. He had been wallowing for the past... However long it was, really, so... He didn't really like the idea of wallowing for much longer.

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