Checking out the new house

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Mid February, MePhone and OJ went to visit 3gs at his and his fiance's new home. They were still in the process of unboxing everything and arranging things, but for the most part, it was getting there. By the end of January, after MePhone had tried going back home, progress had been much slower to feeling better, but... He was still at least making an effort. Even through the harder days he'd at least go on his walks. Or at the very least he'd sit out in the backyard with the cat, that being the option for him more times than not. OJ was also making an effort to change things a bit too. It had been made clear that just pretending everything was fine just wasn't helping anymore, because it really wasn't. He had failed to realize this wasn't MePhone's normal, and now that the two had talked about it, well... Some things had to be done. After the initial visit to MePhone's home, they went a second time to just try and sit in the living room for a bit-- One of the days the kids were at school, and before OJ's work call. It was still difficult, but... The company and support really did help the robot.

However, MePhone had failed to bring any of this up with 3gs yet. Honestly, it just never felt right to mention through text, or their occasional calls, and even going to visit him in person, he was nervous to say any of it. 3gs had been really big on trying to get him out of there. MePhone knew he had his own bad associations with the house, so he wouldn't understand, and if anyone were going to have a negative reaction to him wanting to be living there again, it would be him. Or maybe MePhone was overthinking it, but he refused to risk anything.

"So uh... Fan and my sister are going to watch Cher and Ry today while we do this, so we can leave whenever you're ready. Knife's texted me the address already so I just need to put that into my map thing..." OJ brought his phone out of his pants pocket, moving to just go ahead and do that.

"Oh-- yeah, okay. I'm going to get my jacket," MePhone got up from the couch, making his way to the stairs, most of his clothes being stored in the guest room for convenience.

"Alright, I'll go start the car"

ePhone just gave a passing thumbs-up for a response as he made his way up the stairs. Honestly, he might have been stalling a bit, but... It wasn't any fault of his brother's. Through all the nerves about his own house, he was honestly nervous to meet his brother's fiance. OJ already knew him-- and 3gs, so he wouldn't have this problem, so he didn't want to bring anything up, he was just... Worried. He didn't want the guy to hate him, or think he was pathetic or something. Especially if he were someone so close to his brother. If that happened, he didn't know what he'd do, really. He's heard a lot about Knife, really. Both from his brother, and OJ, and none of it was negative, it just gave the impression to MePhone that their personalities might not mesh very well. Not with how he was currently doing. He just seemed... Intimidating, really. Which felt silly, but he couldn't help it. Of course he won't say anything-- and try his hardest to pretend everything's chill, and fine, but this would still be hard. If everyone saw past his act, he'd just look like an idiot, so it was a risky move, but... He needed to make a good impression.

He also still had yet to talk to 3gs about... The whole week thing he had finally been able to confide to OJ about, but... He honestly wasn't even sure he had the courage to repeat any of it. Letting it out the first time, even if it felt like a small weight off his shoulders, still sucked.

This little day trip was just going to be... Interesting. MePhone just prayed to whatever Gods would listen that it wouldn't go poorly. He needed things to keep going right, and looking up. He desperately needed this to go well.

Of course, he couldn't stall forever. OJ would get worried, and he didn't want that, so he grabbed his jacket, and headed out. He still wasn't exactly comfortable with being in vehicles, but he was fine with just dealing with it by now. Of course, even after the initial incident, his dad wouldn't really take him being upset about it seriously, or care at all really, because they still had places to go at the time, but... This was not then. This was now, and OJ knew by now to give him a moment to make sure he wasn't going to freak out, and then they were on their way.

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