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Wednesday was certainly a distraction, even if it didn't start out the best. The two got up early, or at least OJ woke MePhone up after he got back to the house from dropping his kids off at school. OJ made the two breakfast, and they headed over to MePhone's house for the first time so he could gather some of his clothes. It was the first time MePhone had been back here since... Well, everything, and it was certainly a lot. It wasn't hard to notice the oil stains in the hallway. How the doorframe to his room was damaged. All the broken glass had been cleaned, but some things just never go away. Not easily. This certainly wouldn't. But they gathered some of his clothes, and his jacket, and made it back over to OJ's place so the robot could change. It was agreed between the two that it would be better if MePhone stayed with him for a while, anyways, so this was just something that needed to be done. MePhone knew he couldn't handle being back in his house alone now with everything he was still just trying to process and understand.

It was incredibly cold out today compared to how warm it usually was in the area. Honestly, MePhone wouldn't be surprised if it snowed today. They both walked down the path, OJ gesturing to the car as they reached the sidewalk. MePhone stood there for a moment, really thinking about it. It was cold, and miserable, and surely dragging OJ through the fifteen minute walk into town wouldn't be pleasant for him. Plus, even despite his worries and fears about being in cars, the last few times he had been in one felt normal enough. But he was still just nervous as he gave a small nod, moving to the passenger side door.

MePhone immediately moved to put his seatbelt on as OJ started the car, just trying not to appear so nervous, and hoping his slightly frantic movement didn't give him away. Surely OJ was a safe driver, right? He had kids, so at this point he'd better be, but the robot was still just... Worried. Before the car even started moving, OJ placed a hand on his, a clear move of both reassurance, and concern.

"If walking would make you feel safer, it's really not an issue,"

"I- It's fine, really. I just... I might as well try to get used to it more anyways. I need to get over this,"

"You say that like this is some irrational fear, you have a valid reason for this, MePhone,"

"I know, I just... I still want to try. I was mostly out of it when I was getting driven back to town, so I wasn't really worried too much about it, but..."

"You got driven back?"

MePhone blinked, processing the question.

"Oh, right..." he sighed, forgetting he hadn't gained the courage to talk about his 'missing' week yet. Whatever. This was a harmless detail. It didn't upset him like the other things that happened did, because he had appreciated the blonde girl's kindness.

"Yeah. Um... During my time trying to get home I actually ran into someone who recognized me, this blonde girl who delivers my groceries when I order online... Um, I think she said her name was Lightbulb," He shrugged, keeping his gaze out the window, but OJ's silence made him look back over.

"That's such a wild coincidence,"


"I'm pretty sure that's my sister's girlfriend. She's talked about her to me once or twice,"

"... oh, wow."

"Yeah, but um-- I guess back to now, are you completely sure you're okay riding in a car?"

"I... I'm sure I'll be fine. Really. It's a lot shorter of a drive into town than walking anyways. I'll manage."

"Okay," OJ moved his hand away from the others, putting the car into reverse to maneuver his way out of his parking spot.

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