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Waking up was difficult. MePhone just wanted to stay asleep, and not worry about anything, or deal with anything, but he knew that would be selfish. He had fallen asleep in OJ's room, the two of them just talking about things-- though it was mostly MePhone getting stuff off of his chest.

He didn't know how he felt yet today. He wanted to start feeling better already, but that wasn't how it worked. He was stuck in this pit for the time being, but he at least felt lucky that this wasn't the worst he felt.

Most of it, really, was the unsureness of what was going to happen next. His home, and his next choices in life all stemmed on whatever conversation MePad was going to have with 5. He still had no response, and checking his phone after begrudgingly getting out of the bed in the room, his brother hadn't updated him on anything either, just letting him know he fed the cat sometime in the morning-- a few hours ago. He blinked, his eyes darting up to the time. It was early afternoon, and MePhone was alone in the room, honestly wondering where OJ was, and what he might be up to.

For now, he decided he'd try to act as normal as possible despite all this, just so he could feel some bit of normal during all this. He desperately needed that. He had honestly forgotten it was a week day, heading downstairs and noticing just how quiet the house was currently. As he made his way down the stairs, he could see OJ in the kitchen, probably making himself something for lunch. He turned to look MePhone's way as the robot reached the bottom of the stairs, giving a small, pleasant smile his way, before turning back to making his lunch.

"Hey," MePhone greeted back, moving to sit at the table, just wanting to be in the same room as the other. OJ glanced over again;

"How are you so far today? Do you want me to make you something for lunch?"
"Oh-- um, I think I'm a little bit better, and uh... No thanks," He shrugged, not entirely lying. Getting out most of his fears and worries and feelings last night did help, honestly, even if he still felt a bit bad about all of it currently. He felt less like a burden, and less like a shitty person today though, so that was automatically a better start.

"Glad to hear you're feeling better. Any updates?"
"Not yet. I dunno when they'll get back to us, honestly. I just hope they do at all, really. Even if its... Not good, I'd rather have some answer, than be stuck just not knowing."

"Yeah, that's understandable."

A bit of quiet between the two, OJ humming to himself a bit.

"What are you making?"
"I'm putting together a salad. Cooking some chicken up for it so it doesn't go bad,"

"Oh, cool," MePhone brought his phone back out, just idly scrolling through it now, not really knowing what else to say as the other went about his business.

"I'll probably be going to the store after I pick the kids up from school, do you want to come with? Or do you want me to pick anything specific up since you're staying for a few days?"

"Oh-- um... Huh... I think I'll stay here, but I'll text you if there's anything I need later, I can't... Really think of anything right now," MePhone let out, his tone a bit sheepish. He did appreciate the offer though.

"Okay. That's fine,"

MePhone wondered if he should go on one of his walks today, honestly. He was unsure if he really had the energy, but it might still be good to get up and stay moving around for a bit regardless. He had found staying active had been helping a lot with giving him something to do during his month of self improvement. Something to keep his mind off things, though... Maybe tomorrow.

He also wanted to head back home to check on 3gs, or at least maybe call or something. See how he was holding up alone in the house with the cat. He figured it would be safer to call, really. It was a lot different being out of the house this time compared to last. Not really, but it felt like it was. Just the fact he didn't really have a choice. But 3gs was right. If 5 happened to show up to start more shit, it'd be so much safer if MePhone weren't there. If the other didn't know where he was. Even if he was literally just next door.

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