Trying to fix what's broken

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The first thing 3gs did that night was send a text to OJ-- knowing he deserved to know MePhone was back, and technically safe now. He looked a little worse for wear, but getting him cleaned up and such wouldn't be that big of a trouble. 3gs got up after sending the text, moving to carefully take the other's glasses off, him having not bothered to take them off before basically passing out for the night, and carefully placing them on the coffee table by his still broken phone. He had been gone for a week, and that could mean anything at this point, but... He was just glad they didn't have to get authorities involved. That MePhone was able to make his way back on his own, though... It was still worrying. 3gs had no idea what the last week of his life looked like. Anything could've happened, but... He knew better to speculate. He'd just be able to ask once he woke up again. 3gs just hoped none of this would ruin his progress of trying to be better, and ok.

Despite everything being fine now, 3gs still couldn't help but blame himself for this. It was just horribly unlucky timing on all parts, really, but if he had just stayed at the house, and opted to get the cat food later, or sooner, things would've been fine. None of this would've happened-- Or at least, it could've been avoided. He had been feeling guilty all week, really, but him being back, and 3gs being able to see how exhausted he looked? Gods, it just...

3gs moved to go to his own room, looking for the cat to distract himself. It had been visibly worried all week too, hesitating to eat, and in a much less playful mood. It had been spending a lot of time around 3gs during this week, almost as if it were afraid something would happen to him too-- that, or 3gs was just projecting onto the cat. He found it lying on his pillow, as it usually had been when the two were in here. It looked up from where it sat at the doorway, the soft tapping of 3gs's cane against the carpet giving his presence away to it. It meowed, and then moved its head to look past him, and then bolting out of the room. He just slowly followed it back to the living room, where he saw it run as he turned. It was standing on its back legs, its front legs on the couch to keep its balance as it looked at MePhone, as if it were examining him.

"Try not to wake him up or anything... Uh... Yeah." He felt embarrassed talking to the cat still, but it had become a bit of a habit these past few days. It just meowed, before moving away from the couch, choosing to sit under the coffee table.

3gs just sighed, moving to sit in one of the seats. He'd sleep out here tonight, just in case.

Taking a moment to relax, he checked his phone again;

'Is he okay?'

'He's safe. Asleep, but here.'

'When did he get back? do you know what happened'

'Not yet. He got here just before I texted you. If he wakes up tomorrow, I'll invite you over. I will keep you updated.'

'Thank you'


Through this entire week, OJ was faced with a lot to worry about, and a lot to think about. He had been so scared that everything was just... Gone, just after everything started going so well. He was glad that wasn't the case, and that they knew MePhone was home, and safe, and okay now, but Gods, he... Didn't know what he'd do if he lost his boyfriend like this.

But that didn't happen, so OJ tried not to think about that too much. What was on his mind mostly was... Well, who 3gs had said was his and MePhone's dad. Yeah, OJ had noticed all the news floating around when the guy died, but it was weird to speculate or try to connect those things, wasn't it? Though it would explain TestTube's sudden apprehension towards the robot, but that had at least gone with time-- Especially after he kept doing that whole movie night occasionally with Fan. And... Well the whole fact MePhone and his siblings were all robots. That would definitely explain it, really. But this didn't change anything. It shouldn't. The guy was dead now, and MePhone hated, or at the very least strongly disliked him, so it didn't matter who his dad had been anymore. Honestly, he didn't really know why he was thinking about this so much. Maybe it was just... A little jarring to find out his partner's dad was one of the biggest names in the tech industry, but that didn't even matter.

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