Going home

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MePhone ended up passing back out after the other left, not being able to stop the headache he was feeling, or the dizziness, and certainly not being left with a lot of physical energy after getting his ass kicked. Whatever 5 had done to beat him up had really done some damage.

Though eventually, MePhone woke up again, squinting and moving a hand to cover his eyes from the sun that was directly above him in the sky. Despite having basically been asleep, he didn't feel rested at all, but as he moved to sit up, the dizziness was gone at the very least. The headache however was not, but he could at least live with that.

He sat a little ways away from the road for a while, just trying to come up with his next course of action. Obviously, 5 had ditched him here to find his own way home, but... MePhone didn't even know where that was compared to where he was. He just knew that it was early afternoon when 5 had come into the house, and really late when he had woken up, though... He had no idea if any days had passed. He just knew his head still hurt, and he was tired, but... He refused to let himself sleep until he got home, or at the very least found out where he was, and how long it would take.

First things first, he patted his jean pockets, coming to the not so great realization his phone definitely wasn't on him. Neither was his wallet, considering he hardly ever had that on him unless he knew he was going out to the town...

So he was basically stranded. Which was beyond frustrating. If 5 was going to finally have a change of character and morals could it not have happened before he got stranded in the middle of... literally nowhere? He didn't even know where to start, oh Gods what direction should he even go!? Was he still in his own state?

MePhone spent the next fifteen minutes pacing, and panicking. He figured he had to start going soon, but where the hell was he even supposed to go. After too long of deciding, he sighed, and started walking the direction he thought he remembered he saw 5 driving off in. He knew if he followed a road long enough it has to take him somewhere... Even if it might take a few hours... Or days... Or-- MePhone shook his head, shaking off his thoughts as well. He didn't need to spiral right now. He just... needed to not freak out. He'd get somewhere, and he'd find out where exactly he is, and then he'll go from there. It didn't matter that he had basically no directional skills or way of getting around faster, or... Way of contacting anyone. Even if he did get his hands on a phone or something, he wouldn't just be able to call his brother, or OJ, because well... He never really had a reason to memorize anyone's number. Mostly because he never figured he'd be stuck in a situation like this, but... Well... Look where that got him, really.

He sighed again putting a hand against his still hurting head as he just kept trudging along the side of the road. It didn't help that it was cold, and that his glasses were damaged... but at least he had been wearing long sleeves. At least he didn't have to worry too much about it... And at least he wouldn't technically get sick if he had to sleep out in the cold anyways. It was uncomfortable, sure, but it wouldn't kill him. Unless it would. But! He was going to choose not to think like that. If he just gave up and kept freaking out, he'd never get home, and... He couldn't do something like that to the people waiting for him.

And then he realized they probably had no idea what happened to him either. This alone sent him into another brief panic as he thought it over, just wasting more daylight as he thought about how scared or worried they probably were. How they might think he was dead or something. He wondered if 5 would have the decency to let them know what he did... Even if they chose to leave out the kidnapping and assault. Just the fact they dropped him off somewhere.

Though that was highly unlikely. Even if 5 was going on a 'journey of self discovery' or something, they probably wouldn't tell anything what he had done, or tried to do yesterday.

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