falling down

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MePhone 5 didn't know how the world really worked, and that was just a fact. At creation, they had already been set at age thirteen, so they grew from that, without a childhood. Though they were an only child for several years, they enjoyed that time. They also always usually got what they asked for from their dad during these years. Even when his sibling, MePad was introduced a few months after turning thirteen, a robot much bigger in frame and size, they still tended to get their way somehow.

They always believed they were their father's favorite. It always just seemed like a fact, as the way they grew up, their father made very well sure that they knew they were better than normal people. That being a robot made them able to do so many more things. They could take so many things that regular people couldn't, and that they were doing such a good job at not disappointing him, and being at his side as his company just kept progressing.

MePhone 5 was a spoiled child. So self-loving that they hardly ever took any mind to anything unless absolutely necessary,-- especially their sibling, as they had more important things to do. Such as learn every in and out business-wise regarding what his dad did. It wasn't even asked of him to do, but they did it anyway, because they were one to want to excel without having been pushed to do so. They always needed to be the best, and nothing less. The business stuff was interesting to them, and it wasn't like they cared too much about technology other than themself. They were the coolest thing there, so they focused on finances and marketing, and things like that instead. They did know their sibling seemed to like the technological things a lot more than they did though, so at least both of them had a skill. Even if MePhone 5 knew their sibling had to be inferior for them to be the best.

Of course, growing up like this can cause a lot of problems. Namely the fact that 5 felt like the world was theirs. That one day, they were destined for greatness. Sure, they were smart, so it wasn't that far off of a possibility, but they were so set on soon enough taking over their dad's business as a whole. Of course, their dad was still well. So that was a setback.

5 was sure they could do stuff to change that, though.

They didn't kill their father. No, that would be bad for their image. But they picked up on things he didn't say. It was clear to them, their father's declining health. They were twenty two, and they knew by the end of this year, they'd be head of Meeple. Their father's health was no concern to them. Only the growing allure of running his business. Making it better in ways a human like Cobs could never do.

MePhone 5 had so many plans, and all they had to do was pretend to care, and bide their time.


It was the following Wednesday, a week after 3gs's visit to MePhone, and OJ and MePhone had found themselves walking into town together. It was early in the day-- Much earlier than MePhone was used to getting up and out and doing things, but he didn't mind. He understand OJ had a time limit today with his kids at school, and having pick them up and all, but that was still plenty of hours away, and they had time to do things, and talk about stuff. Really, it had felt like a while since the two had hung out, and MePhone was glad to see the other's face again. With his brother visiting, he spent most of his energy and time focused on that, only really texting OJ simple things. They had planned this yesterday, deciding to just walk around town and see what there was that they wanted to do. No solid plan, which irked OJ just a bit, usually being a planner, but it was fine going with the flow this time. He was just happy to be hanging out with someone he cared about right now on his off day from work. This helped him feel like he was doing productive things, which was great for him with the current internal crisis he was having. He wasn't going to burden his neighbor with any of that, though. This problem wasn't that big, or important anyways. Plenty of adults had times where they felt like they were falling into boring routine, and he was just in a rough spot.

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