After every good day

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MePhone wasn't sure where he was when he woke up. At least, it took him a little bit to realize he definitely wasn't in his own house, or living room, or couch. He could tell, almost immediately by the fact he had a blanket draped over him, and that the texture of the couch he had apparently fallen asleep on was very different to how his couch felt. He didn't actually open his eyes to check right away though. It was comfortable, and his head felt a little weird anyways, so he let himself just lay there for a few minutes, before opening his eyes to look around. He sat up, at a complete blank as to where he was for a few moments, before he looked over to the kitchen, recognizing it from last night.

He was still at OJ's house.
Oh Gods, he was still at OJ's house. He immediately looked around for his glasses, which were on the coffee table in front of the couch-- and got to his feet.
Nobody else was in the kitchen area, and nobody was in the living room. So... He could just... Leave, right?
Though, it'd be rude to leave a stray blanket here, wouldn't it. What kind of guest would he be if he didn't tidy up after himself? He let out a small sigh, folding it up, and draping it over the back couch cushion, almost as a bit of decoration. His face immediately flushed in embarrassment at that thought, and really the whole situation. This was so embarrassing. He had fallen asleep here last night, and... Well... His first instinct was to overthink, and self-loath for doing something like this, but... OJ didn't kick him out or anything, so... MePhone just kind of hoped the guy didn't... Mind.
Yeah. He left it at that, not wanting a nice evening to be ruined by a bad follow-up day. It was fine. Surely.

MePhone left without a word. He decided he could text OJ later, but first, he... Wanted to figure out what exactly happened last night, really. He remembered the dinner. It was nice. All of it, really, but after everything wrapped up, it was kind of blurry. He does remember flopping down on the couch, but that was the last of it. MePhone was honestly worried by all the blur. He really just hoped he hadn't said anything stupid, or had done anything to ruin things. Surely he hadn't. He'd leave it at that as he returned to his own home, letting the cat in to feed, feeling a bit bad that he wasn't there to let it in last night, and letting it know he'd make it up to it by ordering some of the cat toys he was thinking about soon enough.
It was Tuesday now, as well, meaning he'd have to do some garden work later today. Definitely water the plants, and the bush, at the very least.

As embarrassing as it was to wake up on somebody else's couch, and as much as MePhone would never admit this to anyone else ever, it... Felt comfortable. It felt nice. Surely, even if he didn't remember right now what had happened between the dinner, and falling asleep, he had felt safe, and comfortable enough then to clock out for the night... So it couldn't have been that bad, right?
Though, MePhone definitely had to think more about that whole feeling safe and comfortable thing. He hadn't felt that way around anyone else in such a long time, so even just having that thought felt so... New. Different.

There was just something about OJ that he could trust. That he could feel okay around. He really just had to wonder if this was something that would happen more often. He had felt so... Normal last night, really. A feeling he hadn't felt in years, honestly. A feeling he could get used to.

Just thinking about it, he yearned. Yearned for whatever the future seemed to have in store for him as things kept playing out, but he also yearned for the years he missed. The years he spent so alone, and sad, and afraid of everything. The years that maybe he could start making up for.

Or maybe this was all just wishful thinking, and he was getting ahead of himself.

Only time would tell, really.


OJ woke up around ten. Just an hour earlier than he had the day prior, but he at least felt well rested. Yesterday, as far as he was aware, had been such a good success. Nothing had gone wrong, and OJ was just so happy about that. First thing he did was check the living room, to see MePhone was gone by now. Which wasn't a problem. He safely assumed the guy had just gone home when he had woken up, which OJ was already half expecting, really. He'd just make sure to text MePhone later, but for now he decided some breakfast would be nice.

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