Housewarming party

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Casual parties were so much more intimidating than anything MePhone had ever been a part of before. When his dad was still around, and when he was still a new-ish robot, he'd be brought to fancy work parties by his dad, having to be proper, and polite towards fancy, intimidating businessmen, but... Based on movies, and shows, casual gatherings were nothing like that. MePhone didn't really know what to expect with the idea, and he was terribly nervous. He didn't even know why he actually accepted to go, but he couldn't back down now. He didn't want to upset, or disappoint his neighbor. Not when MePhone was still trying to do anything in his abilities to make sure the guy actually enjoyed being around him. If he screwed this up, he'd be screwed.

He was also a bit scared, really, because the family he just so happened to envy was going to be there, meaning he'd have so many people he'd probably have to interact with that weren't just OJ, or his weird kids. He didn't know any of those people, other than OJ, and-- Oh Gods, what was he going to do, what was he going to wear-- Why did he even accept!?

He groaned as he leaned forward on the couch, burying his face in his hands. Awful. This was awful, and he couldn't back out now, since it was already tomorrow. His window to cancel was over, and it wasn't like he could use the sick excuse again, after just using that excuse for something. It would never be believable! What is he even supposed to do during something like this?? He wasn't a party person!

He shot up from the couch, running to go search it up on his computer. At least when he was younger, he had his dad to tell him what to do, or not to do, though with those fancy work parties, he was always just told to keep his mouth shut and stand still. He doubted that would work with something like this. Surely OJ would want to talk to him-- Oh Gods, what if someone else wanted to talk to him too,

MePhone's mind was racing with so many different thoughts as he looked up housewarming party etiquette. All he had to do was compliment the house, and show up with a gift or something. Yeah. That's what the internet was telling him, at least. He prayed it wasn't misleading him-- Though, why would the internet ever lie, really.-- But that wasn't the point! He also had to pick out something to wear, and actually make himself look presentable! He let out another groan as he closed the lid to his laptop. He was glad the cat was outside today, so it wouldn't have to see him frantically pacing around the house. The party wasn't even today, and he was still panicking. Outfit. Right. He should focus on a specific thing first. He couldn't be fancy-- Thank the gods he wouldn't have to wear a suit or something, not like the ones he used to have to wear would even fit anymore. Casual. Think casual. He walked over to the closet, swinging the doors open to look inside. All he had was t-shirts, and comfort clothing. He couldn't just wear a plain sweater, could he? Not when it was getting warmer outside. That would bring attention to him surely.

Or maybe he was just overthinking things. Ugh! Why was this so complicated? He really didn't know what to do. He also had to get a gift or something, didn't he? That was polite. He had to make his best in-person impression tomorrow. Maybe he should've done this all earlier, instead of putting it off until it was nearly too late, but it wasn't like he could turn back time. If he could, he would've done it by now so many times-- but that wasn't the point!

He shuffled through the clothes that were hung up. A lot of it was along the blue-purple color scheme, along with the occasional gray, or white. He didn't have a very diverse wardrobe because he knew what colors looked good on him. There was also no way he was ever going to let himself wear anything red. That just wouldn't feel right.

So, his solution to this outfit picking, he shut his eyes, and grabbed the first t-shirt his hand grasped, carefully pulling it out to look at. A simple light blue polo-shirt. That wasn't too formal, right? It was one of those collared short sleeved shirts, but surely it'd be fine. He'd look nice in it. Now he just needed a good pair of pants.

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