One step forward, two steps back

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The shorter of the two let out a small hum, stepping out of the conference room. It had been a week since his creator... Unfortunately passed away, and though it wasn't official to the public yet, because things were still going on, MePhone 5 had already started acting like the head of the company. His father's "dying wish". He had just gotten out of a long, boring meeting with a bunch of investors, talking about his plan for the future of the company.

They personally saw this meeting as a success.

Now, they were heading to meet up with their sibling. It was going to be a long talk with them next, about the funeral, and the will reading, and about those that planned to attend. Cobs wanted a private funeral, so that's what was going to happen. Not every man of high status needed a public one anyways, and this would be a well put together, and planned thing.

5 made his way down the many halls of the Meeple building, eventually finding himself in the room he and MePad shared.

MePad hadn't been doing much since their creator's passing. At least, that's what 5 observed, and well... They figured their sibling was probably grieving, but it didn't matter to them. 5 wasn't the type to comfort anyone. They weren't emotionally available, not even to themself, really, so other peoples feelings mattered very little to them unless there was something they wanted.

MePad had tried to talk to them a few times about all this, but they shut them down every time.

It almost frustrated the younger. Their creator, their father had given them everything, and at least acted to care about them, and this was how their brother was acting? 5 had such... Such an odd indifference to all of this. MePad wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt with this, wondering if he just... Was grieving in their own way, but as the days went on, it was clear to the younger that this wasn't the case.

But that wasn't a conversation for now. MePad knew it wouldn't go anywhere. They knew their brother would just deny, and shove it off.

"So, they both declined to come?"

"The oldest did, for both of them."

"Hm. So you're saying the other one didn't answer for himself?"

"I have not received a response from him since I left the initial text."
"Yes, well... That isn't a no from him then."

"5, please. It ISs clear neither want to come. If you Are going to act like father didn't even matter to you, at the very least leave those two alone."

"Oh, but our dear creator did matter to me. I want to at the very least respect some of his last wishes. He wanted them there for a reason, and you know it."

"Yes, but surely they have enough to deal with." MePad's usually quiet, neutral tone was lined with frustration towards their brother.

"Listen. Just leave it to me, okay? I'm sure I can figure something out to make everyone involved happy."

"Happy? Our father just died."

"Yes, and? Our older... siblings should at least come to pay respects. I'm sure I can respectfully talk some sense into them."

MePad stood now from where they were sitting. They didn't like expressing their emotions or feelings much, but they were frustrated, and they were done with this conversation. They made their way to the door.

"You know what? Do what you want. I will not be involved."

"Who said you even needed to be?" Of course 5 had to get the last remark, as his sibling stormed off elsewhere.

Overall, 5 saw this as a successful interaction.

They were going to get their way, no matter what. That's how they saw this playing out. They were going to go over to that house soon, a little closer to the funeral, and do some... Well... Convincing. If the younger of the two went-- if they managed to convince him, then he would surely ask the older to come too, so he wouldn't feel too out of place.

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