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"No, nothing else in the house is out of the ordinary, but his phone is pretty much broken, and the cat is acting really upset. I think it might have been there for whatever happened, but I... Can't exactly have a cat tell me what went down." 3gs just sighed, pacing through the living room as he held his phone to his ear. OJ was going to come over after he picked his kids up from school to see if he can be of any help with this, but... Otherwise, there really weren't many things to go off of... Though that being said, 3gs had been far too worried to really take a full in-depth look around the house, so he was sure he's probably missed something, but he couldn't pick up on anything yet.

This was... A deeply concerning situation, really. MePhone was just... Missing right now, and there were no leads other than him having a strong hunch that 5 had something to do with it. He wanted to immediately call MePad and get the other's number, but if something was going on, he had to be careful about it. He also had to calm himself down before he did anything serious. This was the most panicked he'd felt in... Well, it's been a long time. He had gotten so much better at keeping a cool head since leaving the military, but this was the one acception. He was allowed to freak out right now, but it still sucked because he had things to do, and focus on.

Right now, he just sighed again, sitting down. All this pacing as a cane user was uncomfortable, and his damaged leg was starting to hurt, but he couldn't help it. A nervous habit, really. Movement really helped when it came to giving him some time to think about things, but what was there to think about other than the massive elephant in the room. Really, it was scary. 3gs didn't want to lose his only real remaining family over something like a house. If... This was even something to do with 5. Really, part of his brain was nagging him with a second possibility, but he refused to account for that. He... Didn't want to believe that's what happened. That his brother might have...

No. He thankfully shook off those thoughts, his gaze landing to the cracked and damaged phone he had found in the other's room, that was now just sitting on the coffee table. He had already tried to turn it on that evening, but it refused to. He had even tried charging it, but... The phone was broken, meaning there were no possible leads to get from that. Really, all he could do now was wait for OJ to come over to see if he could find anything 3gs might have missed.




OJ nervously tapped his finger against his steering wheel as he drove, keeping his gaze on the road, and trying to keep his mind in the present, too, but it was difficult. He was driving home with his kids, but... If his boyfriend was missing, and he had to help with what was going on, did... He really want his kids to be around? To find out about this? Especially if... Something horrible happened? What was he even supposed to do in this situation? He kept an eye out for the people walking along the streets when he had the chance to look, hoping, praying MePhone might just have accidentally broken his phone or something, and had gone out to get a replacement-- or even that he was still just out taking a walk or something, but... That wasn't the case.

OJ didn't end up taking his kids to the store after he had picked them up, rather parking outside his sister's home. He texted her before any of them got out of the car, a;

'Can I come over with my kids for a bit'

'Something serious came up'

And thankfully it didn't take long for her to respond;

'Go ahead.'

And that's how he found himself in his sister's house, once again asking her the big favor of keeping an eye on his kids for a few days.

"I-... I know it's not great to spring this on you and all but my partner might possibly be missing. I don't want them to have to worry about that, or worry about me during this time while I'm stressing about this. I promise I'll keep you updated-- and... Hopefully this wont take so long. I'll bring over some of their clothes if this takes a few days, and I'll come over every once in a while to check in, I just--"
"It's fine, OJ. I understand. I'll keep an eye on Cher and Ry, I promise. I er... Hope your partner is found alright."

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