Distractions 2; Coming to terms

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On Tuesday, MePhone was gardening. It was during the brief time OJ had to spare between finishing his work call, and having to pick his kids up for school when he stopped by, just sitting on the doorstep to provide company, along with the cat who refused to move from his lap as MePhone worked away at watering his flowers. He was doing minimal work this time regarding that today, since it was supposed to rain tonight, but he still wanted to make sure, just in case. He didn't want to neglect this part of his current routine, as he had pretty much been neglecting every other part of it with how frantic it had been getting used to things all over again. He was doing his walks too, sure, but he hadn't really been cooking for himself much lately. Honestly, through all this time, he was just getting used to the house still. It started easy with the living room, the kitchen, and the backyard, but the hallway felt more difficult to tread through, even with the rug he had bought to place over the issue. His room was always just sad to be in-- regardless of incident, so that was still something, but he just...

He was tired of feeling sad anywhere in his house. He spent hours at a time just sitting in various rooms-- even 3gs's room, just sitting and taking in the room, and everything in it. Taking in the fact nothing was going wrong, and that he'd be fine. That he wouldn't be hurt in these rooms...

Though he hadn't done this yet for his dad's room, and well, he didn't think he was ready for that anyways. He wanted to dissuade the air in that room once in for all. He wanted to be able to go in there after over ten years of feeling shitty, and feel okay in every room of his house. His bathroom obviously wasn't really regarded in all this, since it wasn't a room he really even thought much about, but he was glad it was one less thing to worry about.

After he got done with watering his plants, he'd probably spend some time sitting in the small laundry room, scrolling through his phone or something. It wasn't a room he had any negative feelings towards, but he figured he'd cover everywhere else before even thinking about his dad's room.

He wondered if he'd be able to go in there before his brother came over next Friday, but he wasn't really sure. He'd just have to see when it came down to it, and well... If he wasn't feeling like a burden, maybe he'd ask his brother to just sit in there with him too, though... Maybe he wouldn't. That of all things definitely would make him feel like some sort of burden. Whatever. Everything would be fine. He didn't have to think too much on this right now anyways, blinking back into focus as OJ asked a question;

"I never actually got around to asking, how did your movie night go?"
"Oh, well um... I met your sister," He answered, a bit nervous.

"Yeah, she actually texted me,"
"... What did she say about me?"
"She actually wanted to apologize, actually,"

"...Wh... Why?"

"She said something about you just um... Seeming uncomfortable,"
"I-- Your sister doesn't make me uncomfortable, I swear," He stood up straight, holding out his hands defensively. He didn't want to start anything. He didn't want to make anyone else feel bad.

"No-- No, I get that, I just know you don't really know her well, and she was just kind of there. That's what she wanted to say sorry about,"

"Oh. It-- It wasn't even a bad experience. I didn't mind her being there, I just... I dunno. You're right. I don't really know her." He sighed, honestly just feeling guilty.

"And that's not a big deal," OJ looked at him, his expression calm, trying to make sure the other knew he wasn't upset at that fact or anything.

"I don't dislike her or anything."

"I didn't think you did,"

MePhone just sighed, returning to focus on his plants. An immediate distraction for the current conversation.

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