Back to the city (for the weekend)

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OJ was very nervous when he left the house. He had a lot of faith in his neighbor, and he trusted the guy enough-- He loved him for the Gods sake, but... He was natural to worry about things like this. Even when Fan was babysitting, he knew his kids were just... A lot. He hoped they weren't going to be too much for MePhone to handle, or that they wouldn't purposefully try to overwhelm him or anything. And well, if anything went wrong, MePhone was supposed to call or text him or something, so...

He was just worried. This was a trip he, Knife, and Paper had been planning for at least two weeks now, and he had managed to get today, this Friday off, so it would work out.

Right now, he was still on his way. A quiet drive, the only noise being the music on the radio, and the low idle constant sound of his car running. He still had around twenty minutes left to drive, and as nervous as he was about what might be happening back home, he was excited for this trip. The voice and video calls between his friends were nice, but getting to catch up in person would be great. They had a lot of plans for these two days, and they all sounded fun. It had been a while since he had been able to go out and do something like this, really. It would also be interesting to be in the city again. He was going to be crashing in Paper's guest room, since he obviously didn't have an apartment anymore and all, and Knife and his fiance didn't have much room in their apartment.

OJ just hummed along with the music on the radio for the rest of the drive, peaceful enough. Parking in the guest lot for the apartment complex was definitely different than usual for him, but it wasn't much further of a walk. Not far enough to be too bad of a difference, at least. This was a fancier complex, so he was requested to stay in the lobby until someone came to get him-- He sent a text Paper's way-- even though the guy who usually sat at the desk knew his face, it was just protocol, which the ginger could respect, and understand.

He didn't have to wait too long for Paper anyways, being led up familiar stairs, all the way up to an apartment he had been many times before, too. Of course they exchanged 'hello's' out in the lobby, but now it was on to the usual small talk as Paper texted Knife that OJ was here safely. Knife still had work today, still doing a lot of it to save up for a real home for himself and his partner.

"He and 3gs are going to come over after Knife gets off work, and then we're going to go out for lunch," Paper looked up at his phone with a smile, as OJ sat himself down on the couch, Paper joining him.

"Yeah, okay, sounds good," OJ smiled back, glad to be in the physical company of an old friend of his again.

"Which... Gives us time to catch up," Paper's tone was almost coy as he set his phone down on the arm of the couch he was sat against.

OJ just rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face.

"Okay, fine. Well, I might as well get into it now so I have an excuse not to repeat myself with Knife around. I personally think things are going well between me and the guy, uh... We are getting closer, not exactly... The way you guys think, but we're good friends."

"Is it weird finding out Knife's fiance is his brother? Because that was news to me, too,"
OJ blinked. That fact had completely slipped his mind, but... Considering he was here now, and was going to be hanging out with the guy, along with his friends, well... Oh shit.

"Oh Gods, do you think Knife told him?" OJ immediately flipped to panic mode at this thought process. Paper glanced away, clearly thinking.

"Huh... That's a great question, I don't know," Paper looked back up at the ginger, his expression genuinely unsure. OJ immediately buried his face in his hands, a growing embarrassment at this. He had to make a good impression! Sure, he had met 3gs before. A familiar face, one that belonged to his best friend's partner, but it was never really much! Just passing hello's while he was over, or a dinner here and there where they never directly talked, or interacted with each other!

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