Strive 105: Doctor's Check-up

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Kibishi's POV

Mato's Office...

Click! Click!

"The brain wave is normal. The patient's stress level is stable. Recommend more sleep, though..." Mato mutters to himself while typing on a laptop. Tao was hooked by something to scan her body. Luckily, it doesn't hurt her, so it's all good. 

Kuma and Jir were also present since we all had one last check-up before the meeting started. 

"And... done! Okay, I'm disconnecting the wires now, Taoreta." Mato said. He then detaches the wires all over Tao's body. "Sorry if it's a bit ticklish, everyone. I have to do one last check-up before your missions. It's also data for the next time you return here if the mission becomes successful. But I'm you all will pull through." 

"It's fine, Mato. Hmm..." I look at Kuma with a worried expression. "Kuma, you sure you'll be alright out there? We don't have to do it tonight if you're not mentally stable enough. I'm sure that the founder would understand." I said.

"Thank you, Kibi. But we can't delay this any longer. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can find our friends." Kuma says, then smiles at me. "I won't lie to you guys; I'm clinging to hope now. I want them to be alive. I want to hope that they are at least alive and well. If anything, and I pray not but- I would rather them be in their bad transformation than be dead. At least by then, we can use Kibi's heart to turn them back to normal. If it's the latter, then..."

"Let's keep faith. I know they're out there, somewhere. Besides, they're supernaturals, so I'm sure they're fine, Kum." Jir says, trying to cheer Kuma up.

"You're right. Sorry for being a downer, guys." Kuma apologizes to us.

"It's fine. After all, I would do the same if Kishi was also out there by himself." Tao explains.

"With that in mind, I want to tell you guys this beforehand. Well, it was meant to be spoken during the meeting, but I can say it now." Mato frowns while closing his eyes. "I'm sorry for stubbornness and shooting down your theories, Taoreta, Kibishi. Even if I don't have to apologize, I realize that you two weren't raised like Kuma or Jir. Even if they do have their struggles, it's not as horrible as the ones you two faced everything up until a month ago. I hope you can forgive me..."

"It's fine, Mato. I still don't agree with you, but that doesn't mean I should use that as an excuse to hold a grudge or something silly like that." I said.

"And that's perfectly normal. Everyone has their own opinion. Just because we say it doesn't mean we have to listen. And I know it's different since some of them have facts behind them; I can understand why you don't listen to their opinions. Besides, it's not like I can prove otherwise besides the fact that you two are 17 years old, of course. But- to each their own, I suppose. Oh yeah!" Mato digs in his shirt pocket and continues to speak, "I have something for you, Kibishi!"

"For me?" I say curiously.

"Yep! Ah, here we are!" Mato says while taking out a small bottle with pills in it. 

"Pills?" Jir asks with a worried expression.

"Uh, Mato. I don't think Kibi's old enough for strong drugs..." Kuma says while being concerned for my safety. Wow. Kuma and Jir really care for me, huh? That's sweet of them!

"Haha, wouldn't be the first, you know. Kibishi's past meds ARE drugs that are carefully crafted for him and him alone. But anyway, it's not that strong, Akuma. It's only a bit heavier than the last set we gave him." Mato shakes the meds. "See, these meds were made in mind where once you swallow it or even crush it and let it enter your bloodstream, it'll give you the extra boost you need to stand strong and be on your feet. These meds were inspired by the injectors we give each of you daily. Though the ingredients are a bit uh- "unsettling" and "unfortunate"- we made it specify for Kibishi in mind. But like the injectors, these pills will increase your stress afterward and may lead you to turn mad if you take more than one. So, use it sparingly and not crazy, okay?"

"So, in other words, if Kishi takes more than one pill, chances of him transforming to his true self is pretty high, correct?"  Tao says while showing fear in her eyes.

"I'm surprised that he didn't show signs in the first place. Sure, there's the incident where he nearly snapped and killed everyone in the room. But it didn't show 'fear' like your other forms, aka the bad one. I find that very impressive. How does he do it, I wonder? Is it the meds or...?" Mato ponders while stroking his chin. "This is hard to figure out..."

"Hehe! I can think of ONE thing, Mato." Kuma says, then grins widely.

"Oh, ho ho! I can think of one thing as well, Kum. It's not that complex once you know the REASON behind that thing that calms him down." Jir joins in.

"Hmm? And what would that be?" Mato asks curiously.

"Yeah, I want to know that as well, if you don't mind, guys," Tao asks calmly. Man, she must've practiced it a lot. 

"Hehe! Someday, Tao. Someday." Kuma commented.

" didn't answer my question, Kuma," Tao says while frowning. 

"Don't worry about it!" Jir says with a bright smile.

"Seriously, you too, Jir. You guys are impossible sometimes..." Tao said.

"Calm state, huh? The only thing I can think of is- ah! But that isn't enough to-or is it? The power of emotions..." Mato began jogging down some notes on a pad next to his desk. 

"Anyway, is that all you wanted to share for now, Mato?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sure, sure. You guys head to the meeting, okay? I'll meet you all there in a second." Mato says with a severe tone. Tao and I look at each other in confusion. "Emotions. They're the source of everything. The forms, Kibishi's heart, and more. This is a big discovery! I have to review the notes from the first layer to discover the new theory I came up with!"

"Well, you do that, Mato. We'll see you at the meeting, okay?" Jir says while smiling nervously. 

"The Grim Reaper is supposed to be a cold person, yet Kibishi isn't. His heart is pure, and his emotion seems more human than a monster. Which means *mutters* *mutters*..." 

"Rrrriiiggghhhtttt. Let's go, gang. *Whisper* I'm starting to be uncomfortable around here..." Jir says while walking towards Kuma follows suit. Tao stands up as well then looks at me. "Come, Kishi," she says while offering her hand.

"Right," I nodded, then held her hand.

We both started to follow Kuma and Jir. I looked back and saw Mato muttering to himself some more. Man, I hope he's thinking TOO hard about it. Whatever that is...

To Be Continued...

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