Strive 166: The Minor Set back!

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Kibishi's POV

Splash! Splash!

The boat is rocking back and forth. The Cetus's head rocked with the ship. It seems to be waiting for us to attack.

"Somethings up," I say in a deep voice.

"Who cares! I'll make that mother fucker pay for harming my best friend!"  Kuma shouted.


"Hey, wait!" Yosei reached out her free hand, but Kuma was already gone.

"We can't let her go in there all alone!" Tao shouted.


"No! This is EXACTLY what it wants! Fools!"  Yosei shouted.

Slash! Slash!

Yosei and I saw Tao and Kuma quickly and swiftly slashing Cetus all over its body. Sparks fly everywhere as the Cetus seems to be unfazed by the amount of blows it is receiving. We both see Tao and Kuma appearing from behind and about to attack-


-Crap! The Cetus wack its tail and-

Wham! Crash!

Crap! Both Tao and Kuma crash-landed on the boat! It made two giant holes! I saw two arms from each hole rise and grab the edge of the hole entrance. Yosei and I rush in to help-


"Urgh!!!" Yosei gets slammed into the edge of the tip of the boat. She ends up bouncing on the floor and goes overboard?!

"Ahhh!!!" Yosei screams.

"Yosei!!!" Kuma screams out since she climbs out just in time to witness Yosei falling off the boat. Tao got out of the hole and shook her head. "Urghh..." Tao rocks back and forth, trying to contain herself.

Kuma started to rush to get Yosei-



The tail of the Cetus crashes into the boat and causes another hole to form! Crap, now I can hear the water coming inside of the ship! Kuma shook her eyes in fear and then looked st the Cetus angrily. I also look at the Cetus, as it doesn't seem worried. Why is that?!

"We destroyed the item, yet it's keeping calm. Why?! Isn't this how it's supposed to go?!" I thought to myself. I looked and saw Yosei climbing back on the boat. Kuma smiles in relief. "Yosei!" Kuma said.

"Don't "Yosei" me, Kum! What were you thinking?!" Yosei says in anger. Yosei sighs, then looks at the Cetus. "Still, I can't blame you for acting rashly!"

"Good, everyone seems fine!" I thought while smiling.

"Argh! Damn it, we can't land a scratch on this monster!" Tao says while wiping her mouth.

"Physical attack won't work here." Yosei began saying.

"It won't?" Kuma asked.

"Magic may be the way to go." Yosei summoned a staff and aimed it at The Cetus. "Fairy Flame-!"


All four of us jump back from The Cetus's tail attack! Darn, it caused another hole, and now I can see the water coming up! I narrow my eyes in frustration.  "That Cetus isn't taking us seriously. It's playing with its food." Tao says in anger.

"Everyone, change your super codes!"  Yosei shouted.

We all nodded and-


The Cetus interrupted us once again! Man, it's so persistent!

"Damn, it got in the way, huh?!" Yosei says while sweating. "Then there's no choice! We must fight it head-on and figure something out while attacking it!" Tao shouted while wiping underneath her chin.

"Didn't you hear a single word I said? We can't-!"

"I know that!" Tao closed her eyes and shouted louder. "Listen, I'm not backing down from this fight. We can't anyway since this boat will sink in a few minutes. I'd say maybe 7 through 5 minutes tops! Maybe 8 minutes if we're LUCKY! Let's try to find a weak point while attacking. That's my plan anyway,"


Step! Step! Step!

Whoa! Tao is advancing her moment to the right amount of speed!

"She can flash step now?! When did she master that?!" Yosei says in shock. "A-ah! Follow her, Kum! Tao will need our assistant!" Yosei shouted.


Step! Step!

Amazing! Those two can do that as well?!

I looked back and saw the water coming towards Jir's force field! I need to protect her-!


"Ah!" I panicked when I saw the tail crash-landed next to me. Great! Another hole on the ship! Wait, what's that tail doing? It's almost as if-

"Oh my gosh, Jir!" I panicked and tried to stop-



I saw the girls made it back to Jir's side! Good! Now, I can give support! "I should increase the power of the-"


I look back, and all I can see are flames heading in my direction!

"Oh, crap! I won't be able to-!" Before I finish my sentence, I cringe and block my face to get ready for the impact of the flames heading straight for me.


I heard a sword slashing something, so I opened my eyes to see where that slashing came from. And to my surprise, I saw Tao with anger in her eyes. Tao tried to push back the tail, but the tail forced her to back up further away from me.


Tao receives a heavy blow on her waist, costing her her motu to bleed out some blood!

"Tao!" I narrow my eyes.

I aim my megaphone at the monster, but it moves and raises its tail-


Yosei uses her bare fist with a glowing yellow aura surrounding it. "This is way more than just a monster being weakened!" Yosei shouted.

"It must be getting an energy resource of some kind. The question is, where?" Tao asks while holding her stomach.

"We don't have much time to figure that out! The boat started to have a small flood!" Kuma shouted while lifting her feet.

"Damn it!" Tao narrows her eyes.

"Cool it! There's still time! Let's keep our heads and think of a plan! But we can't stay in one spot, though! Everyone spread out!"  Yosei demanded.

Even with that, there's no way to beat it now! I know it's weak, but it's getting some energy from somewhere! Maybe somewhere near? Whatever the case may be, we have to do this before we all die!

To Be Continued...

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