31. hope ur ok

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It has been thirty minutes and I still can not fall asleep. 

Thirty minutes since San and I decided to call it a night. 

At this pace, we would have stayed up all night until the sun rises clearly not tired of each other. But I knew by the look on San's face that he was getting sleepy, he was just too proud to admit it. 

San had a rough day with the swimming competition and the party. So I told him that we should get some rest and that we could continue this another time which he gladly accepted. 

The older had just finished my blow job when he fell on the sheets exhausted. I joined him a couple of minutes later after putting my boxer back on. I crawled into his arms and tried to fall asleep ever since. 

The truth is that I could not get over his lips on mine, his strong body touching me, his perfect proportions blinding me, and his sweet words resonating in me. I just could not get over the fact that he was genuinely interested in me.

But San is really here. With me.

I move my head on his exposed chest to feel his heartbeat against my ear. I can sense his lungs filling and emptying themselves slowly. Being close to him in his bed makes me wonder if there will be more nights like this. I think I could get used to this new life very quickly.

San is just something else, in every way, and I just want to get to know him better. Last night while we were having sex, he was always making sure I was enjoying it or that I was comfortable. I think I could get attached to him much faster than I thought I would. 

I look at the man next to me and melt under his peaceful expression. San's bare face is way more attractive than anything else in this world. How can he be so perfect? Every single one of his features is just incredible and I just want to be the only one to appreciate them. 

I stare at his pink and juicy lips a little too long making me want to have another taste. But I keep myself from kissing him. What if he does not want to? My mind started overthinking too much of the situation again and I could not let myself cross this invisible line. We were not a couple or anything serious yet. 

But do not forget, San can leave you today if he wants to and you can not do anything about it. 

I sigh completely overwhelmed and filled by the first guy that I ever liked, San. My head could not stop thinking about him as well as my eyes could not stop looking at him. Deep breath Wooyoung. You just need some time to adjust, and a good night of sleep is just what you need. And like that, I close my eyes still thinking about this man I would like to kiss a hundred times more. 


I turn on the bed reaching for my phone on the bedside table. My electronic device could not stop buzzing in the last five minutes and it woke me up. Who is texting me like this?

While my phone is in my hand San, still asleep, closes the distance between us to wrap his strong arms around me. What I did not figure was that San would be completely naked against my right side. Feeling his dick pressing on my thigh was something I did not see coming. I could feel my face turning red and my body heating up. Did he forget to put his underwear on purpose? And is it weird to hope that he did?

I look at the man's face next to me with adoration. He is so beautiful that I almost forget to read the texts that I just received. 


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